About this mod
This 114-track music pack uses BetterMusicSystem and custom settings to enhance your Oblivion experience. Specific music files will play while adventuring in ruins, cities, dungeons, at night, in guilds, taverns, other lands, and much more! All selected music is similar in style to Jeremy Seoule\'s original music for Oblivion.
- Permissions and credits
Full Description: This 114-track music pack uses BetterMusicSystem and custom settings to enhance your Oblivion experience. Specific music files will play while adventuring in ruins, cities, dungeons, at night, in guilds, taverns, other lands, and much more! Shivering Isles now has its own unique dual-soundtrack for Mania and Dementia. If you have Elsweyr installed, there is a unique soundtrack for that area as well! All selected music is similar in style to Jeremy Seoule's original music for Oblivion. All of the game's original music remains intact when installing this song package.
In addition to the new songs and customized soundtracks for different locations, I have made some tweaks to the BetterMusicSystem INI file which will further enhance your experience (heartbeat sound only plays after more epic battles, music levels and fade timers adjusted, and lots of small improvements to the default settings).
NOTE: I take NO CREDIT for producing ANY of the mods or music. I went through a careful and deliberate process to select the very best available music tracks for Oblivion from TESNEXUS.COM, and then I organized the tracks into a customized, expanded game soundtrack.
---------- !!! PLEASE READ THIS SECTION IN ITS ENTIRETY !!! ----------
If you already have BetterMusicSystem and OBSE fully installed (including the OBSE plugins Enhanced Music & Control v0.72B, and SoundCommands v4.0), simply install this song package to your \Oblivion\Data folder (backup then overwrite the INI file -- REQUIRED).
Otherwise, follow these steps to install:
1) Download both OblivionMusic109 archive files, but do not extract/install yet.
2) Download and install "BetterMusicSystem" Search for it on TESNEXUS.COM. Be sure to grab the Shivering Isles and Elsweyr addons for it as well. Then, read the included readme file for BetterMusicSystem carefully.
3) Download and install Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) v0018 -- see BetterMusicSystem readme file for links and details.
4) Then, download and install two OBSE plugins (Enhanced Music & Control v0.72B, and SoundCommands v4.0) -- see the BetterMusicSystem readme file for links and details.
5) FINALLY, extract OblivionMusic109v1-1_part1.rar and part2.rar to your \Oblivion\Data folder and OVERWRITE the .INI file (REQUIRED). No other files will be overwritten. Backup your original .INI file if desired.
That's it! Enjoy Oblivion with its new, extensive soundtrack!
Changes v1.1 - Now with 114 music tracks for Oblivion and its expansions.
-Removed "/Music/Battle/#. Celestial_Aeon_Project_-_Through_the_dark_portal" as it was a duplicate of another battle track.
-Moved "/Music/Locations/FortRuins/#. Celestial_Aeon_Project_-_angels_redemption to the "/Music/Events/Night/" Folder.
-Repaired "/Music/Locations/Caves/#. Caverns" as the track cut off prematurely. The track has been extended and now has a proper ending.
-Added "/Music/Locations/FortRuins/#. Calle Hansson - Elven Camp"
-Added "/Music/Events/NightPublic/#. atmosphere_07"
-Added "/Music/Battle/#. battle_03"
-Added "/Music/Public/#. Town_04
-Added "/Music/SI/Dementia/#. Calle Hansson - Ghost City Of Yold"
-Added "/Music/SI/Mania/#. Calle Hansson - Butter"