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Sage Rime

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About this mod

High quality tower abode. Click the above link to read the full description

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Mountain Tower Mod, Version 6.0 Final

ReadMe formatting is © Sage Rime 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009. All Rights Reserved.

ReadMe Index:

I. Foreword
II. Features
III. Installing
IV. Uninstalling
V. How To Become The Owner Of MT
VI. What Does MT Offer?
VII. Mod Compatibility
VIII. Changelog: Versions 1-6
IX. Credits & Copyrights

I. Foreword:

Welcome to experience the 6.0 Final Gold Master Edition of Mountain Tower! This version features more custom textures, tower rooms, mesh changes and much more. Read on for the details.

This is the last and final edition of the mod, and as such it's finally where I always wanted it to be. I've been developing new versions since April 2006, and now that all has come to a satisfactory end.

I'm retiring from Oblivion modding, as I no longer have the time and passion for it. This is my last mod release for Oblivion, and I would like to thank everyone here at the forums for their support and feedback, you guys rock. I may return to mod for future games, but for now my work is done.

A big thank you to the community for all these years. Now on with the mod!

Sage Rime

II. Features:

- Uses the Static Alchemy feature in the Alchemy Lab
- Uses dozens of new meshes from various resources
- Located in the snowy mountains near Bruma [Pale Pass]
- Also included is a tropical swimming pool with live exotic fish
- Fully furnished & functional mages tower abode with 8 rooms
- 90% of the tower is custom textured - Hundreds of new textures
- Two secret areas have been concealed within - Can you find them?

- Kitchen and Wine Cellar can be accessed directly from the Main Hall
- The Library has two large bookshelves with Automatic Book-Placement
- Can be bought from Jaeger who hangs out in the Arch-Mage's Tower Lobby
- Comes with 187 safe containers, 12 display cases and 21 custom paintings
- You can find both Altar of Spellmaking and Altar of Enchanting in the Library
- Comes with two teleport spells for easy access and pathgrids for companions
- Some bookshelves use static meshes to appear full - Use them as containers

- Comes with an ease-of-use Alchemical Ingredient Sorter - Full Vanilla & SI support
- All the comforts of home are included: Armchairs, comfy beds & a sofa by the fireside
- You can also switch off the lights in the Master Bedroom using the light switches installed
- You can find chess and dice games in the Library - Remember to look up while you're playing
- A library area can be found on the 2nd floor of Main Hall - Say hi to the pet fox Shakespeare!
- The Trophy Room also has an art gallery with display cases in addition to the hunting trophies
- A great view opens from the top of the tower - Check out the roof-top garden while you're there

+ Much more! Download the mod and see it all for yourself!

III. Installing:

Disclaimer: Remove all your items from the tower before uninstalling or updating. Otherwise they will be lost permanently. I won't be held responsible for any damages.

Make sure you have uninstalled any previous versions, they will conflict.

Unpack the MountainTower.esp and the Meshes and Textures folders to the Oblivion\Data folder in your Oblivion installation directory, default:

C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data

Then load up Oblivion, select data files and enable MountainTower.esp and you're done!

IV. Uninstalling:

Disclaimer: Remove all your items from the tower before uninstalling or updating. Otherwise they will be lost permanently. I won't be held responsible for any damages.

In versions 5.0 and higher, uninstalling is very simple and takes only a few steps to complete:

1. Deactivate MountainTower.esp in the launcher\data files.
2. Go to Data\Textures: remove the folder labeled MountainTower.
3. Go to Data\Meshes: remove the folder labeled MountainTower.

And you're done!

V. How To Become The Owner Of MT:

Go to the Imperial City, the Arcane University district. Enter the Arch-Mage's Tower Lobby. You will find a Khajiit called Jaeger hanging around, talk to him to find out what he's selling.

You can then purchase the book needed to become the owner of Mountain Tower for 50,000 Septims base value. The final price will be determined by your mercantile skill level vs. Jaeger's mercantile skill level. It really pays off to have high mercantile skill here.

The book will teach you a spell that allows you to teleport yourself to the tower entrance, and the key you receive automatically after purchasing the book will open the arcane gateway from the Pale Pass side.

VI. What Does MT Offer?

The tower is designed for magi characters, but it's well suited for any character type. It has a meditation chamber with some background story you'll have (hopefully) fun time reading up.

The tower has a fully decked out Alchemy Lab with ingredient sorting. Use the scales on the table to sort your ingredients and the black doodad to get them back. Simple as that. Full vanilla Oblivion and Shivering Isles ingredient support. Static alchemy with a master set is available as well, just activate any apparati on the table to use it.

The Main Hall library area has bookshelves that appear to be full, but that's just an illusion created by static book-block meshes. The shelves are actually containers, so you can just open them and put your books inside. Great looks and much better frames per second than you would have if you actually filled the shelves with real books.

If making spells or enchanting stuff is your thing, climb up to the Library. You can find both facilities there, but know that they use a new, much better model (Made by Hel Borne) so you're supposed to be looking for black pillars with lava globes on top of them.

To use the Automatic Book-Placement in the upper Library, go into sneak mode and activate one of the bookshelves. A menu will pop with your options. Two are obvious, but I'll explain the Clear Shelf one for you because it's a bit tricky: What it does is clear the script's status for the shelf, but it doesn't actually retrieve your books for you. So if you want to re-stack your books on a shelf, you must first press Clear Shelf and then manually remove your books AND then use the Stack Books option again.

You can switch off the lights in the Master Bedroom when you go to sleep - Just use the light switches, there are two of them on the walls. They are those little stone boxes with a greenish button.

As said before, the tower is located in Pale Pass and your neighbours consist mostly of ogres, so you'll be sure to have some peace and quiet. I can guarantee those beasts can beat up any daedra, Adoring Fan or Fargoth *shudder* who might think it's a good idea to come to pester you.

There's lots more features, but I'll let you discover them on your own. The ones listed here are the most important.

VII. Mod Compatibility:

Mountain Tower 6.0 is compatible with Shivering Isles, Knights of the Nine, and all offical mods released up to September 14th 2008. Supports both official and unofficial patches.

This mod should also be compatible with any mods that don't alter the Pale Pass world space or the Arch-Mage's Tower Lobby.

You should note that this mod requires the latest official patch [1.2.0416] for either Oblivion or Shivering Isles. This mod requires Shivering Isles for the ingredient and book sorters to work, but a modified .esp is available for non-SI users to make the sorters work. You can find a link to it at the top of this description.

Recommended mods to play Mountain Tower with:
Natural Environments - Only the Natural Habitat & Vegetation components
A Weather Mod
Reznod's Mannequins
Better Nightsky
Beautiful Stars

VIII. Changelog:

VERSION 6.0 Final - Fixed Re-Upload:
- Corrected the Wine Cellar hatch position
- Corrected a chandelier position in the Wine Cellar
- Corrected a chandelier position in secret area #02
- Corrected the spider webs positions in secret area #02
- Corrected the small table name in the Master Bedroom to 'Nightstand'
- Corrected the [unlock/lock/missing key] messages for the Arcane Gateways

VERSION 6.0 Final:
- Added scripts for ingredient retrieval, light switch, auto book-placement, various others
- Fixed bugs, textures, meshes and cleaned the esp of excess entries
- Rebalanced the Blade of the Proditor
- Added about a dozen resource mods
- Added a pet fox called Shakespeare
- Added fish species with new meshes
- Added a merchant to sell the tower
- Re-textured dozens of meshes
- Revisited tower exterior areas
- Added more decorative items
- Added storage containers
- Removed some old stuff
- Miscellanous changes
- Removed free-access
- Added display cases
- Added full pathgrids
- Revisited all rooms
- Added new rooms
- Tweaked lighting
- Fixed pathgrids

- New custom textures: Statues, tower, garden, doors, trap doors, arcane gateways, bench, ladders, banner, fireplace, floors etc.
- Optimized scripts for Static Alchemy and ingredient Sorter, now instant with no add/remove item message spam
- Changed Arch-Mage's Tower Lobby chest to Incoming Mail
- Arcane Gateway correctly requires Mountain Tower Key
- Balanced Blade of the Proditor, no more cheese
- Generic bug fixing phase, cleaned dirty entries
- Created new water layers for the pool area
- Fixed book typos and formatting & values
- Recontructed the mod for ease-of-use
- Fixed PathGrids and added new ones
- Added a custom bench by the pool
- Generic tweaking and optimizing
- Added a new mesh for the tower
- Added & Fixed Northmarkers
- Added more safe containers
- Removed conflicting entries
- Added a new storage room
- Fixed Wind Walking typo
- Tagged fish as essential
- Added more decoration
- Fixed spellbook scripts
- Added a secret area

- Changed the master alchemy set to static, now it can only be used while in the lab, and you can't move the set around
- Added containers to the Enchantment Chamber, Non-enchanted Items, Empty Soul Gems, Filled Soul Gems
- The Wind Walking spell now teleports you to the tower bedroom, next to the containers
- Fixed the issue with blue shock shield sticking to armor when using portals
- Due to many requests, balanced the blade of the Proditor better
- Custom textured the tower interiors, walls, floors, ceilings etc.
- New Room: Basement --- Use: Tropical Pond/Swimming Pool
- Added a container to the alchemical ingredient storage room
- Added a table to the to alchemical ingredient storage room
- Added a statue to the alchemical ingredient storage room
- Changed Enchantment Chamber lighting to light blue
- Removed the enchanted chest due to a script conflict
- Added a pair of custom textured polar bear skin rugs
- Added 2 static plants to Enchantment Chamber
- Changed the teleport spells' mana costs to 50
- Re-textured the magister's robe and hood
- Fixed alchemical ingredient jar order
- Added a fireplace to the main hall
- Re-textured the dragon statue
- Added a chair to the Library
- Re-did the roof-top stands
- Fixed a typo in a script
- Fixed a clipping issue
- Various other tweaks
- Fixed some typos
- Tweaked lighting

- The Alchemy Lab has an enchanted chest on the table, like the one in the Arch-Mage's quarters
- The Chamber of Solitude book now teaches a spell called Dimension Door, teleports to Arc.Uni
- Ingredient jars and a sorting system, use the scales on the table to sort your ingredients
- Additional room for the ingredient containers, located on the Alchemy Lab's 2nd floor
- Added an enchantable staff using the ice staff textures, located in the Alchemy Lab
- The Alchemy Lab now sports a Master's Alchemy set instead of an Expert's
- The 'official documents' chest is now in the Arch-Mage's Lobby
- A custom Magister's robe and hood, on the library table
- Added more display cases, now to the library
- Fixed enchanting chamber door linking
- A platform on the roof for better view
- Added some more custom textures
- Changed custom spell names
- More Alchemy Lab containers
- Switched the library throne
- Cleaned 'dirty' entries
- Furnishings tweaking
- Another static plant
- Fixed a book typo
- Bug fixes

- Changed containers to unique ID ones, so if you're updating from version 1.0 Final, take your stuff out of the containers before playing version 2.0 Final, otherwise the stuff is gone
- Removed the statue from the roof and replaced it with a dark brazier with a magicka flame
- Re-Textured the whole tower with dark textures, switched to circle shape tower model
- Re-Textured the tower's exterior base with dark textures
- Fixed pathgrids for NPC companions
- Fixed typos
- Fixed bugs

- Initial Release for TES Source and PES
- Initial Version

IX. Credits & Copyrights:

Myself [Sage Rime] - Sole Developer of Mountain Tower

WillieSea for being tremendously helpful and sharing many of his resources with me
Phitt for all his marvelous resources from various mods
Horny Quintus for the auto book placement script
Trystan for his alchemical ingredient sorter script
Phoenix Amon for her ingredient shelf resource
Academician_Nwahs for his static alchemy script
Barabus for the original cooking range resource
Jannix Quinn for all his great resources
Xiamara for all her wonderful resources
Sjors_Boomchors for his fish resources
Hel Borne for all his great resources
Dark Jester for his ingredient jars resource
Dyr Kriger for his mounted heads resource
Garak for his booksets resource
Ra5946 for his Japanese pond resource
mr_siika for his great fox resource
texian for his static water resource

Special Thanks:

TES Nexus for hosting this mod
Buddah for keeping me on his list
Planet Elder Scrolls for hosting this mod
Darina for giving continued feedback on my mods
Devs @ NifTools for a marvelous piece of software
Everyone who helped me on the forums, especially the CS forum crew
Bethesda Softworks for making great single-player RPGs in a time where MMOs rule the earth

© Sage Rime 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009. All Rights Reserved. Included mods are © of their respective modders.