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R18PN - MHSN FuruFuru Armor for HGEC v2 Author NPR -------------------------------------------------------------- I am not good at English. So enough support is not possible, please understand it
Please look at ScreenShot of in the place of the armor The place is on the moat around Arena.
The original is from a Monster Hunter Series.
MHSN FuruFuru Armor for HGEC old vasion http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20896 MHSN Kirin Armor for HGEC http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20980 MHSN Weapons v2 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21924
-------------------------------------------------------------- V2.1 The wrong designation of the gnd file is corrected. Weight of lowbody.nif is corrected. -------------------------------------------------------------- v2.2 A symmetric version is added to the Gunner equipment. Gauntlet is added. -------------------------------------------------------------- R18PN_gnd.nif R18PN.dds R18PN_n.dds Please overwrite File because same File though the superscription message appears. --------------------------------------------------------------- Please use this MOD freely. --------------------------------------------------------------- Credit Author RAIAR HG EyeCandy Body