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About this mod

This mod replaces the standard model (leather armor) for the Morag Tong armor with a black armor that uses new meshes. Requires DLCMehunesRazor.esp and Shdw_Armor set_Sotonhorian.

Permissions and credits
Morag Tong Armor Tweaks 0.2 by mordredp


This mod replaces the standard model (leather armor) for the Morag Tong armor with a black armor that uses new meshes. Requires DLCMehunesRazor.esp and Shdw_Armor set_Sotonhorian.

You'll be able to find the Morag Tong armor if you do the "Unearthing Mehrunes Razor" quest and explore a bit.


Just unzip the 7z in your Oblivion directory or use OBMM to open the omod, and make sure it loads after DLCMehunesRazor.esp

- Shdw_Armor set_Sotonhorian which you can get here:
- DLCMehunesRazor.esp official plugin


0.2 - switched to the great meshes by Andragorn
0.1 - first version.

- Andragorn for the black armor meshes.
- Wrye for Wrye Bash and ElminsterAU for TES4Edit, 2 really great tools.


If you liked this mod check out my other tweak mods and drop some comments!