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About this mod

Places all Merchant Chests in game which gives access to them so that they may be looted. Each chest is locked by key only, namely the key of the store, which is on the store owner.

Permissions and credits
  • German
Lootable Merchant Chests v1

Places all Merchant Chests in game which gives access to them so that they may be looted.
Each chest is locked by key only, namely the key of the store, which is on the store owner.

Only effects the merchant chests location and lock type.
None of the merchants or anything else was touched.
If the store key does not exsist by default or the NPC does not carry a key the lock is Very Hard & Leveled.

I did this because "Moguras Realistic Merchant Storage Mod" mod altered the actual Merchant NPCs as well, which caused confilcts with other mods I use.

Chests Moved in the following Locations:

Imperial City, Market District:
A Fighting Chance
Divine Elegance
Edgar's Discount Spells
First Edition
Jensine's Good as New Merchandise
Mystic Emporium
Red Diamond Jewelry
Rindir's Staffs
Slash 'N Smash
Stonewall Shields
The Best Defense
The Copious Coinpurse
Three Brothers Trade Goods
The Main Ingredient

Lelles' Quality Merchandise
Morvayn's Peacemakers

A Warlock's Luck
The Archers Paradox
Fair Deal

Hammer and Axe

Borba's Goods and Stores
Mach Na's Books
The March Rider

Fire and Steel
Northern Goods and Trade
Renoit's Books

Best Goods and Guarantees
Southern Books
The Dividing Line

Colovian Traders
Hammer and Tongs
All Things Alchemical