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About this mod

This .blend file contains an \"animation chain\" which allowes to check the movement of your meshes in Blender as ingame. New version for \"Controlable Skeleton\" based on VipCxjControllableBodyReplacerWithControllableBreasts (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31392).

Permissions and credits
Growlfs Blender Animation Chain for Animation- based Weightpainting

Version: 3.1
This new version needs the correct skeleton.nif/ skeletonbeast.nif to work ingame: Included in "Growlfs Body Resizing Mod".
Created with: Blender 2.49b (32bit), PyFFI2.1.4, Blender NIFscripts 2.5.5

Version History
2010-05-31 Version 3.1
Fixed a bug in standard pose that elevates the body so location in EDIT MODE is different from OBJECT MODE.
Version 3 file deleted.

2010-05-31 Version 3
New added SHOE bones to create self- adapting heels in shoe meshes without OBSE.
Rebuild of animation chain. Now including various breast sizes and 2 feet heights. Sit animation (chair_yawn.kf) added.
This new version needs the correct skeleton.nif/ skeletonbeast.nif to work ingame: Included in "Growlfs Body Resizing Mod".

2010-04-29 Version 2
New build animation chain for VipCxj's controlable skeleton.

2010-01-17 Version 1
Some animations in a .blend file to optimize weightpainting in Blender

To weightpaint an imported or created mesh for TES 4 - Oblivion in Blender Oblivion standard pose is a hard job, although the BWC (Bone Weight Copy) script makes it easier than before.

The created Animation Chain allowes to precisely weightpaint every vertex manually and/ or control the effect of BWC script.
This completely reworked Animation Chain is based on the "Controlable Skeleton" by Vipcxj Click here, modified be me "Growlfs Body Resizing Mod".

While interconnecting the animations you can see your weightpaint mistakes and clippings as good as ingame.
If you change a vertex weight while using animations you can instantly see the movement of this vertex to another position.

The Animation Chain contains the animation files of VipCxjControllableBodyReplacerWithControllableBreasts andoriginal Bethesda Oblivion animations (no self- created anims from pose mods because of partially extremely differences from original body movement).

How to use
Extract the archive with 7zip > 2.55 or a newer WinRAR version.

Open the .blend with Blender 2.49b. Newest PyFFI and NIFscripts versions are recommended.

Highlight the armature in OBJECT MODE and import a body of your choice via FILE > IMPORT > NETIMMERSE/ GAMEBRYO (NIF) > select your .nif and activate the button IMPORT GEOMETRY ONLY AND PARENT TO SELECTED ARMATURE. Repeat this until the body is completely imported. (Snap0001)

Now you can check the body movement by using the ARROW KEYS of your keyboard:
ARROW RIGHT: interconnects through the animations key by key ( or step by step)
ARROW LEFT: the same backwards
ARROW UP: 10 keys forward
ARROW DOWN: 10 keys backwards
(Snap0002 and 0003)

Used animations key by key:
The first 10 keys of my Animation Chain contain a standard pose animation to build/ rework a mesh like known. They are followed by
- Key 11- 18: some different breast sizes to check working of OP2 bone
- key 19- 24 or so: 2 different feet heights to check expression of SHOE bones and self- adapting shoe meshes
- sneakidle.kf
- castself.kf
- casttarget.kf
- handtohandblockattack.kf and especially for testing of clippings
- sneakforward.kf
- walkfastforward.kf
- chair_yawn.kf to test arms/ legs while sitting

Import a mesh same way like body parts or create one and weightpaint it. If all is correctly there will be no clipping.

To optimize the weightpainting manually change into WEIGHTPAINT MODE. If a vertex is painted with new weights you can instantly see the effect (vertex moves to another position).

Check the effect in different keys (Snap0002 - 0003).

Special thanks to
- TalkieToaster for his ingenious first steps in creating programmable Scale Bones
- Addk1k and Vipcxj for the further development of this technology
- Malo for his unbelievable patience while calling him to solve problems :-))
- Amorilia and the other specialists from NIFtools.org for permanently development of all the tools we need to create items for Oblivion and Fallout3 with Blender
- the Blender developers
- and Bethesda Softworks for a never ending story.