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About this mod

Adds a Black Flightless poison based dragon race, and a green flighted fire based dragon race.

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It's dead....

I'm sorry to say, but to all future people that may use this mod.... I don't think I will return to it sadly.... I haven't even played oblivion in a VERY long time. at least a year. or more. I really don't know........  that was it...... that's the message..... ok bye now

Name: Dragorian and Dranaugh Races
Version: 1.8
Author(s): BlackStorm945

*There is a mod made by gulogulo that is MUCH more professional and polished in my opinion. it's called Dragorian and Dranaugh Races Reworked and I HIGHLY suggest you check it out. it does require my mod and everything required for it*

*For anyone who previously had problems with this mod, most of them should be fixed now, but if there are anymore please let me know, I will try to fix them promptly*

This is basically a Dragon race mod, but what's unique about it is that it adds a full fledged flying animation and script (not just a jumploop) and a flamethrower effect fire breath (same as the one in Midas spells). the flying animation takes a few presses of the "," key to start the animation but only takes one press of the"." key to stop it... just don't stop it when you're way up in the sky.... as you WILL get hurt or die... the fire breath is simply a lesser power.... it takes no magic to use but it is weak.... but it's a good way to clear out a swarm of lesser enemies (such as rats) as it kills them in one hit and you can sweep with it. the dragorians are the only ones that fly or breath fire, the dranaughs are a poison based race that is immune to poison and resistant to disease.... they also can see in the dark and detect life by pressing "," to activate it and "." to deactivate it (same as the flying)

they both have beast feet (only feet, they don't have bent legs thanks to Guardian01 aka "Drake the Dragon" for the custom mesh specifically for this mod) and claws for males, but only claws for females (this is both how it is supposed to be and because Drake didn't make a female version of the feet, but this is fine because the males are the ones that are supposed to have talon feet not the females)

I also added a version WITHOUT the dragon feet and claws. for people that want to wear boots or gloves... but this wings DO clip through the back.

Dragorian ability controls
W: forward
A:strafe left
D:strafe right
, :activate flight (you have to press it a few times to start the animation)
. :deactivate flight

The dranaugh
, :activate night vision
. :deactivate night vision

/: Activate Claws
': Deactivate Claws

Now the dranaughs have the uber ability to become invisible when they sneak! it's the "invisibility" spell effect not the "chamleleon spell effect... so doing stuff will make you visible again (attacking, taking stuff, etc)

there are now multiple versions of fire breath (granted one isn't really fire)

lv 1: you blow smoke that damages fatigue and does a one time 5 points of fire damage

lv 5: you can breath a weak red fire

lv 15: you can breath fire of average heat and is orangeish-yellow

lv 20: your fire burns blue, and is more hot than average

lv 30: white flames of death

Oblivion Patch (Official 1.2 Patch)
Oblivion Script Extender
Roberts male Body mesh v4 or v5
Roberts stock clothing replacer (otherwise when you wear default clothing the skin parts will be pink)
Fantasy Figures (now includes the armors and clothing replacers)

Installation Instructions
extract the data files to your Obliviondata folder and enable Dragorian and dranaugh.esp for if you want claws and feet, or the Dragorian and dranaugh (No claws and feet).esp if you don't

(note that you can't use the claws if you don't have them!)

Uninstallation Instructions

delete the data files and disable the esp

nothing anymore!

Known Issues
you have to press the flight button "," a few times in order to start the animation, there is no way I can fix this as of yet.

Change Log

Changed the paths for models and textures to custom ones for compatability

fixed the racemenu issue (hopefully)

added beast feet to the race (thanks to Drake the Dragon)

added a no claws or feet version

added a re rigged flight animation (thanks to Drake the Dragon again)

added sneak invisibility to Dranaughs

added missing animation files, and added conditions for dranaugh invisibility... (cloudy, raining, snowing, or when you are in an interior are the conditions) this nerfs it considerably but it is still useful in certain conditions...


Added hybrid Race, which is a mix breed of the dranaugh and Dragorian with appropriate but balanced powers from both

added Claw Weapons with Specially Rigged Hands! (thanks to Rocketlombax for doing the male version for me and for showing me how to do it so I could do the female version)


added female version of the feet, thus cutting down on scripts.... the no feet or claws version is unchanged...


added leveled claws damage and get's rid of the duplicating items whenever you pressed the claws activation key...


added multiple types of "breath spells" they all cost nothing, but they are ranked in the levels of destruction (novice, aprentice, etc)


adds wing flap sounds when flying and adds lighting based shadow merge for dranaughs instead of weather based. also fixes need to press the "'" key multiple times and makes it so that you can land without having to press "." and just fly to the ground also makes it so that ALL animations will play (thanks to Argonian C144)


made the fire breath level based instead of skill based, in other words you will get the smoke breath at level 1, but you won't get the white fire until level 30 (it doesn't replace the previous one)


fire breath spells now work, I forgot to add the new scripts to the spells... added new eyes to the hybrid race, the side with the black scales now has red eyes, and the side with the green can be any of the dragorian colors.


fixes the fire breath (forgot to add scripts to the spells oops...) and adds a static fatigue effect to flight that won't increase when you level up, meaning that the higher level you are the longer you'll be able to fly.

guardian01 AKA "Drake the Dragon" for the dragon models and textures

xilver for the fire breath script and model

Saltare & qwertymaster for the flying script

Rocketlombax for the specially rigged claw hands (might I add that I'm friends with him in real life and not just online)

Argonian C144 for many bug fixes (multiple "'" press bug, PC not playing certain animations, etc)

(if I missed anyone please let me know and I'll add you)

ask me first for the custom textures, models and scripts that I made, but ask the appropriate modder for anything else...