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About this mod

Adaptation of Rinzei\'s Sword of Unknown Origin; all unenchanted one-handed blades.

Permissions and credits
Name: Lightning Swords
Version: 2.0
Date: 6/10/2008
Category: Weapons
Requirements: Oblivion Patch
Author(s): VictoriaG

Adaptation of Rinzei's Sword of Unknown Origin; all unenchanted one-handed blades.

2 ways to get items:
Buy or steal them from Morvayn's Peacemakers in Anvil.
Find the items in a chest labeled "Lightning Swords" in the Testinghall. [To get to Testinghall: open console, type "coc testinghall" without the quotes. To exit, go thru the door to Hawkhaven - you can fast travel from there.]

1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.
3. Copy files to (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\
4. Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the .esp file(s).

1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod. (NOTE: If you have other of Floydian1 [or the UFFGypsyMarket] mods they may use these same folders/textures, so best to just delete the .esp in that case, or re-examine your zips & delete the files only this mod uses.)


Simply install over current, overwriting when asked, or uninstall prior & install this version. Only changes are to the .esp & readme.

No known conflicts.

Known Issues or Bugs
With the Chrome: It won't be chrome unless you have Window Reflections set to On in your Video Settings. They will appear dull at night.

2.0 - Updated readme, added items to shop as well as testinghall.
1.0 - Original release.

You can contact me under the above name at TESNexus.

Special Thanks

Rinzei - original sword model
**Xilverbullet for the amazing effect from Midas Magic that were used for the lightning on the swords!
Thank you very much!
Check out Midas Magic here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9562

Please note that all meshes/textures should be credited to their original authors, I have simply performed Nifskope magic!

Thanks to:
Bethesda for creating Oblivion.
LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.
Xilverbullet - lightning/fire effect & textures on the orbs
Kalikut - amazing starsphere textures used for the sigil stones
JDayT- kalia based her chrome texture on his
kalia - chrome texture & esp work
Rinzei - original sword model

Tools Used
NIFSkope - http://www.niftools.org/
GIMP - http://www.gimp.org/
TES Construction Set - http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_utilities.htm
Readme Generator - http://lhammonds.game-host.org/obmm/tools_readme_generator1.asp

As you can see by the list above, there's a lot of others' work here. Thus, re-use/conversion permissions can't be granted.
Do not re-upload this or include it in whole or in part in any compilations, period.
If I have left Oblivion modding & *want* it re-uploaded, I will change this section, otherwise, this stands,
regardless of whether or not you can contact me.