Fall Hair Wig Shop
by Selene310187 (darklady310187)
Oblivion patch:
Requirements: Shivering Isles
1. Description
2. Installation
3. Credits
4. Used programs
5. Licensing/Legal
6. Updates and load orders
The Fall Hair Wig Shop is a shop where you can buy wigs with different hair colors and styles and as a sideline you are able to take a rest at the generously covered coffee table.
Relax and forget everyday life in the comfortable armchair in front of crackling chimney fire.
The shop is located in the near of Faregyl (screenshot with exact location is included). Shopkeeper Carla is looking forward to seeing you.
If you want to play my mod together with Glenvar Castle and the Hesu Mod Collection, please look at the bottom of this page.
Copy the meshes and textures folders and the "Fall Hair Wig Shop - EV".esp to you Oblivion Data directory, activate the esp via Oblivion launcher -> Data Files, play Oblivion and
enjoy! Ignore the other esp, as it is for German speaking users.
I thank all modders whose resources I used for the shop:
Sofa and armchair: More sofas and Chairsets; authour: Zimnel
Table, chair, cookies, eclair, silver tray: David Whitefang Table Settings - Furniture - and Random Clut; author: David Whitefang
Cushion texture for chair: More sofas and Chairsets; author: Zimnel
Cake: Tchos Breakfast Food; author: Tcos
Candelabra, jewellery box, clothing chest: Highland Furniture Set - Modders Resource; author: exilehunter
Pillow (mesh): Pillow Mesh Set; author: Xiamara / Pillow (texture): More sofas and Chairsets; author: Zimnel
Curtains: More Curtains 15; author: Zimnel
Tablecloth: Tablecloths; author: Argoniano, Zimnel and Kalikut
Filled bookcase: Hel Bornes Filled Bookcase Resouce; author: Hel Borne
Counter and shelves: Modern_House_Test_MeshRetext; author: Alex Stoian (alex2avs)
Bed: Beds Resource; author: Kalikut
Sink: Hel Bornes Alchemist Sink Resource; author: Hel Borne
Texture for bed frame: UC Wood Furniture Texture Replacer; author: Kalikut
Meridia and Dibella mini statues: The Black Cat Jewelry Store Daedric Statues; author: Cinnamon and Trey Leavens
Chimney: Pelagius Tileset v1.0; author: Jakhar
Carla's clothes: GEC Bare Shoulder Dresses; author: Retma and Mkat101 / Tona Clothes And Underwear for HGEC; author: Tona
Texture for Carla's face and eyes: Face texture for the Sulhwa Saram and Corean head mesh; author: CapsAdmin
Textures for Carla's body: F-INevOblivion skinset for EC and HGEC; author: navetsea
Base mesh for wig pedestal: Hel Bornes Bust of Boethia Resource; author: Hel Borne
Texture for shop entrance: Improved Doors and Flora; author: Mikal33
Stone and wood texture for exterior and interior wall: QTP3 Redimized; author: Bomret und dev_akm
at long last the base for the wigs: FallHair 001 to FallHair 005; author: Peggysims (created original hair styles) und fallen20 (made them compatible with Oblivion)
Everything else comes from freely usable resources from different sites like cgtextures or the Official Blender Model Repository.
I hope that I haven't forgotten somenone.
Used programs
TESIV Conctruction Set
Normalmap Generator tool by Finalspace
Tecras Mod Translator
Re-use of the wigs:
Please ask fallen20 and me (Selene310187) for permission before.
Re-use of the other content (i. e. everything except the wigs):
You can do whatever you want, just give a credit to me and the respective authors of the original resources.
Update of November 20, 2021
- a patch for HESU White Rose River (The Hesu Mod Collection) is available for download
the load order to make it work
1. Fall Hair Wig Shop - EV.esp
2. HESU WhiteRoseRiver.esp
3. Fall Hair Wig Shop - HESU Patch - EV.esp
Update of December 27, 2009
- if the original wigs are too shiny for you, download this update which make the wigs less shiny
Update of December 26, 2009
- made a patch for the ones who want to play the Fall Hair Wig Shop together with Glenvar Castle without any problems. No gaps in the landscape anymore!
You need the the following load order otherwise the patch doesn't work correctly:
1. Fall Hair Wig Shop - EV.esp
2. GlenvarCastle.esp
3. Fall Hair Wig Shop - EV - Glenvar Castle Patch.esp
load order for Glenvar Castle and the Hesu Mod Collection:
1. Fall Hair Wig Shop - EV.esp
2. HESU WhiteRoseRiver.esp
3. Fall Hair Wig Shop - HESU Patch - EV.esp
4. GlenvarCastle.esp
5. Fall Hair Wig Shop - EV - Glenvar Castle Patch.esp