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About this mod

An edited version of the vanilla world map to include the new roads and bridges added by \"New Roads and Bridges Revised\".

Permissions and credits
Name: Esme - New Roads and Bridges map update (vanilla)
Author: Esmerelde
Notes: To be used with "New Roads and Bridges Revised"

*** UPDATE ***

Due to doing a complete re-install I had chance to test this properly myself. I found no errors, and it should work perfectly as long as you have no other world map mods/textures are installed. If you are using Elven Map Redux please refer to my mod: "Esme - New Roads and Bridges map update for Elven Map Redux."

*** ***

4:Version History / Bug Fixes
7:Author Notes


1: Description

An edited version of the vanilla world map to include the new roads and bridges added by "New Roads and Bridges Revised".


2: Installation

a) Make sure NRAB is installed

b) Back up your current worldmap (Data\Textures\Menus\map\world; Data\Textures\Menus80\map\world; Data\Textures\Menus50\map\world)

c) Unpack my new textures to the folders above


3: Uninstallation

Simply restore your back up worldmaps


4: Version History / Bug Fixes

Current version 1.0


5: Incompatibilities

Not compatible with other world map replacers.


6: Credits

- Ukrr and Arthmoor for their "New Roads and Bridges Revised"


7: Author Notes

- This is the first mod I have ever created and the first time I have used Photoshop, so it is far from perfect, but I tried my best!!

- There are gaps in some of the roads so I don't obscure the script and labels on the map.

- I use Elven Map Redux, so I have not tested this myself, however, I made it in the exact same way as before, so there should be no problems.