About this mod
A small mod that changes the way you wait in Oblivion. I searched for this mod and only found it one place so I\'m Uploading it here for others.
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Final Beta, for additional information and to leave comments, see the thread at
http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=500332 (dead link)
More Immersive Waiting
This mod is to replace the boring Wait menu, with something that shows you what the game is doing while you pass the time. With this mod you now have a Stool of Waiting, that stays in your inventory. You can put it on a hot key, or just use it from your inventory. Either way, when you equip it and choose an option from the menu that comes up, a stool is placed at your location, and you automatically sit on it. Time moves at an accelerated rate for the duration of your chosen waiting period. The sun/moons/stars sweep across the sky (but I can't make clouds go faster), weather changes, actors in the loaded area move faster to keep up with their schedules. Also while waiting, creatures are able to approach your locale and get hostile on you, or guards can come arrest you if you have a bounty. Your health is not restored during this waiting, only fatigue and magicka.
This gets time passed properly for quest purposes, shops opening/closing, altars recharging, mods like Illumination Within to turn lights off and on, etc.
The only known issue at this time is that it does not get time passed properly for taking away spell effects on the player, and restoring once-per-day powers. This is because these both rely on the passage of REAL time, which also gets fudged in during the vanilla Wait/Sleep/Travel menus, and appears to be locked in the engine somewhere. I'm still hoping to find a way around this. The spell effects getting removed I can fudge with dispel, but Powers I'm still working on. If I can control the game's perception of Real-time somehow it is probable that both problems would get solved at the same time. This is not terribly game-breaking for me (I barely ever use Powers), but I'm still dedicated to trying to get that figured out. Maybe someone out there has a good idea?
Everything else works great: NPCs are prevented from having conversations or greeting the player during the waiting effect, because they would otherwise be saying things in normal time which would break the illusion. You can wait while creatures are near, as long as they have not noticed you yet. Once they become aware of you and move in for the attack, you are made to get up because now it's time for combat. You also cannot wait while swimming, or falling, or on a horse, things that make sense.
During your wait, a countdown timer displays in the upper left of the screen, which updates every three seconds as that is the hard-coded limit of the game engine. By default, timescale during the effect is such that 1 game hour will pass for every three real seconds. This can be set by you, to be as fast as 8 hours per three second tick. Be aware that at high speeds of time, NPCs have more difficulty keeping up their schedules, and may tend to pile up a bit in the streets sometimes. This doesn't hurt anything, it just looks funny sometimes. I like it at the default of 1 hour per tick, which works very well, but that's because I feel that waiting should involve at least *some* real waiting. But sometimes I feel impatient and set it for 2. You might like 4 or more, that's up to you.
While you are waiting, you may cancel the wait early at any time by hitting the spacebar, as you would when getting up from any seat. While waiting, you are able to open the stool's menu and change options or extend the waiting period on the fly. You also have different modes in which the stool can be used: You can choose a duration to wait for, which will get you up off the stool automatically once the target time is reached. Or you can choose to Wait Indefinitely, which means you are left to sit there with the world flying by for as long as you like, and you just stand up manually with spacebar when you don't want to wait anymore. You can also choose to Just Sit, which does not pass time at an accelerated rate - it is exactly like sitting on a normal seat, because it seemed like a good idea to let the stool be used for just plain old sitting when there isn't a handy spot to sit. :)
There is also a configuration menu available off the main stool menu. This lets you turn off the visual blurring effect during the timewarp, or adjust the speed of the timewarp effect (1 hour per 3 seconds, up to 8 hours per 3 seconds), or toggle the view of other actors during the effect. This last one mentioned is because the actors are not able to safely move at the speeds they *really* ought to be moving, but it is far too easy for Havok to get them killed at higher speeds than what I've got them at. Making them invisible during the effect is your choice, because maybe you'd rather roleplay that they are moving so fast you can't see them. Thanks to kevin8or from TES Forums for that idea, and for the mod idea in general -- this mod was actually started because of a comment he made on another thread, that made me realize I wanted to have this also.
As far as I can tell, there are no bugs here, but it's still beta because of the above mentioned Power issue, and also because I want to be sure that I haven't missed anything. Please take it for a spin and see if there are any other problems I may have missed. The speed the actors move at was at one time quite lethal to them, but I have carefully trimmed it back until I observed no more Havok fatalities. Please help me discover if they are truly down at a safe speed now. I want them to be as fast as is safely possible, because they do need to be able to get around town in time for their schedules more or less, otherwise they mill around aimlessly because they're always late for something and having to turn around again and again. Moving fast like they do during the time acceleration, they can actually get their lives accomplished reasonably well.
Give it a try, and please post your bug findings, opinions, suggestions etc to this thread.