About this mod
Currently adds 24 new signs to the game. Many birthsigns are great for certain Character concepts, such as The Druid, The Necromancer, The Healer, The Devil, the Emperor, The Assassin, The Paladin, the Merchant, etc.
- Permissions and credits
Please take the time to endorse and comment on the mod. :)
This is the second part of my mod to redesign the birthsigns in Oblivion. This mod currently adds 24 birthsigns to Oblivion, including everything from the heavy defensive Aegis to the pure Elemental magics of the Firewalker.
What I did was make five separate plug-ins (Called Parts A-E) with three birthsigns each. This was due largely to limitations with the Construction Set (it's very picky as to letting Birthsigns actually work), however, this allows me to release more birthsigns in sets of three, and allows you to pick and choose which birthsigns to use.
For example, If you don't want to use the Aegis, Ranger, or Nerevarine, simply turn off Part E and they go away!
All Signs in this mod follow a few general guidelines:
1) Every birthsign has an ability (constant effect), lesser power, and greater power.
2) No script effects are used in any birthsign at any time.
3) Attribute bonuses never exceed 30 and are never less than 10 (total).
4) All lesser powers cost 50 Magicka or less.
5) All greater powers can be cast when silenced.
6) All greater powers are unable to be reflected or absorbed.
New Signs Added (full details at the bottom of the page and in Read-Me):
The Gambler (based on Sardat's Birthsign)
The Emperor
The Sorcerer
The Druid
The Healer
The Titan
The Firewalker
The Stormrider
The Icecaster
The Daedra
The Devil
The Necromancer
The Aegis
The Neravarine
The Ranger
The Paladin (from thuggqwerty)
The Stray (from KingATheives)
The Pharaoh (from tyreil829 AKA SGA Col John Sheppard)
The Assassin (from endgamecutter, Dark Brotherhood related skills)
The Dawn (as in Mythic Dawn)
The Madgod (gives you Sheogorath-related abilities)
The Cosmos (form Yurgurt)
The Merchant (from endgamecutter)
The Blacksmith
1. Unzip all contents into your Oblivion Data directory. It should be here:
Program Files/Bethesda Softworks/Oblivion/Data
2.When asked to merge the Texture folders together, say yes.
When you get in game, if you want the sign for an existing character, you must open the console menu with the tilde key (`) located above tab. Type in "showbirthsignmenu" wihout the quotes to choose your new birthsign.
Conflicts: All birthsigns are original ID's and can be used with any other Birthsign mod, including my "Better Birthsigns", which mod the original 13.
Note, however, that the "Devil" Birthsign uses the magic effect "Resist Water Damage." This makes the player immune to lava damage. Some magic mods may replace this with another spell effect; for example, Supreme Magicka replaces it with "Levitation". If you plan on using "the Devil", double check this effect.
Issues: Sometimes the Wabbajack spell doesn't last as long as it should, not sure why. When changing from the Atronach sign to another, many times the stunted magicka effect will remaain.
If you don't have a multi-summon mod, you can enter this in the console menu by pressing tilde (`) :
SetGameSetting iMaxPlayerSummonedCreatures, x
Where X is the number of creatures. You need at least four for this mod, but you can increase the number if you like.
Credits: My brother for his help, Sardat for his Gambler birthsign idea, StryderOfOblivion for "The Ranger", Eiries for "The Nerevarine", tyreil829 for "The Pharaoh", endgamecutter for "The Merchant" and "The Assassin", thuggqwerty for his small influence on "The Paladin", and KingAThieves for "The Stray".
Version Information (Full list of changes are in the Read-me):
1.3- Minor changes to all birthsigns. Many effects were reduced for balance; a few were increased. Created Add-ons 1-3.
1.2- Fixed quest dialogue issues when receiving Birthsign from emperor Uriel Septim.
Minor balance changes.
1.1- Added The Ranger, The Aegis, and The Nerevarine
1.0- Original Release
0.1- Pre-release for public viewing
Birthsign Abilities
Here are some terms to know:
1) "Duration 0" means the effect is instant.
2) "Wave" effect refers to a touch spell that explodes without a target.
Part A
The Gambler (based on Sardat's birthsign)
Ability: Gambler's Luck
Fortify Luck 20 points
Lesser Power: Roulette (Cost: 20)
Fire Damage 10 points on target, duration 0
Frost Damage 10 points on target, duration 0
Shock Damage 10 points on target, duration 0
Greater Power: High Roller (Cost: 0)
Fortify Luck 50 points on self, duration 60
The Emperor
Ability: Vigilance
Fortify Willpower 30 points
Lesser Power: Emperor's Legacy (Cost: 20)
Rally level 25 in 30 feet on touch, duration 30
Lesser Power: Emperor's Speech (Cost: 40)
Fortify Personality 20 points on self, duration 30
Fortify Speechcraft 25 points on self, duration 30
Greater Power: Emperor's Authority (Cost: 0)
Command Human level 100 on target, Duration 60
Greater Power: Emperor's Responsiblity (Cost: 0)
Burden 500 points on target, duration 60 (Burden is finally useful! :)
The Sorcerer
Ability: Sage's Wisdom
Fortify Intelligence, Willpower, and Luck 10 points
Lesser Power: Magicka Negation (Cost: 30)
Dispel 100 points on touch, duration 0
Lesser Power: Magicka Transference (Cost: 10)
Absorb Magicka 60 points on touch, duration 0
Greater Power: Magicka Inversion (Cost: 0)
Reflect Spell 100% on self, duration 60
Drain Magicka 1000 points on self, duration 60 (This makes it so you cannot use magic while using this ability)
Part B
The Druid
Ability: Natural Temperance
Resist Fire, Frost, and Shock 20%
Water Breathing
Lesser Power: Sunlight (Cost: 10)
Light in 30 feet on self, duration 60
Lesser Power: Aquatic Stride (Cost: 10)
Water Walking on self, duration 60
Lesser Power: One With Nature (Cost: 30)
Detect Life in 50 feet on self, duration 60
Greater Power: Kynareth's Command (Cost: 0)
Command Creature level 50 on target, duration 60
Greater Power: Kynareth's Guardian (Cost: 0)
Summon Bear on self, Duration 60
The Healer
Ability: Hands of the Healer
Fortify Restoration 25 points
Lesser Power: Recuperate (Cost: 40)
Restore Health 30 points on self, duration 0
Restore Fatigue 30 points on self, duration 0
Lesser Power: Nurse (Cost: 20)
Restore Health 30 points on target, duration 0
Lesser Power: Nullify (Cost: 20)
Dispel 50 points on self, duration 0
Greater Power: Revitalize (Cost: 0)
Restore health 10 points on self, duration 20
Resotre Fatigue 10 points on self, duration 20
Restore Magicka 10 points on self, duration 20
Greater Power: Regenerate (Cost: 0)
Restore all Attributes 3 points on self, duration 10
Burden 1000 points on self, duration 10 (so you can't move while recovering)
Greater Power: Remedy (Cost: 0)
Cure Paralysis, Poison, and Disease on self, duration 0
The Titan
Ability: Titan's Shield
Shield 10%
Lesser Power: Titan's Fortitude (Cost: 40)
Resist Normal Weapons 20% on self, duration 30
Greater Power: Titan's Skin (Cost: 0)
Shield 100% on self, duration 60
Drain Speed 50 points on self, duration 60
Greater Power: Titan's Fist (Cost: 0)
Disintegrate Armor 500 points on touch, duration 0
Disintegrate Weapon 100 points on touch, duration 0
Damage Health 50 points on touch, duration 0
Drain Strength 20 points on self, duration 30
Part C
The Firewalker
Ability: Firewalker
Resist Fire 50%
Weakness to Frost 50%
Lesser Power: Heat Fist (Cost: 30)
Fire Damage 50 points on touch, duration 0
Lesser Power: Pyre (Cost: 20)
Fire Damage 10 points on target, duration 0
Fire Damage 2 points on target, duration 5
Greater Power: Flame Aura (Cost: 0)
Fire Shield 30% on self, duration 60
Greater Power: Hellfire (Cost: 0)
Fire Damage 100 points in 10 feet on target, duration 0
Fire Damage 25 points in 20 feet, duration 2
Fire Damage 5 points in 40 feet on target, duration 20
Fire Damage 2 points on self, duration 30
The Stormrider
Ability: Stormrider
Resist Shock 50%
Weakness to Fire 50%
Lesser Power: Conduction (Cost: 20)
Weakness to Shock 25% on touch, duration 10
Shock damage 20 points on touch
Lesser Power: Thunderclap (Cost: 50)
Paralyze in 30 foot wave, duration 1
Damage Fatigue 50 on self, duration 0
Greater Power: Storm Shield (Cost: 0)
Shock Shield 30% on self, duration 60
Greater Power: Judgment Bolt (Cost: 0)
Shock Damage 200 points in 5 feet on target, duration 0
Shock Damage 100 points in 20 feet on target, duration 0
Paralyze in 40 feet on target, duration 2
Silence on self, duration 30
The Icecaster
Ability: Icecaster
Resist Frost 50%
Weakness to Shock 50%
Lesser Power: Frostbite (Cost: 30)
Frost Damage 40 points on touch, duration 0
Drain Speed 20 points on touch, duration 20
Lesser Power: Golem of Ice (Cost: 50)
Summon Frost Atronach on self, duration 30
Greater Power: Ice Armor (Cost: 0)
Frost Shield 30% on self, duration 60
Greater Power: Frost Wave (Cost: 0)
Frost Damage 100 points in 30 foot wave, duration
Frost Damage 5 points in 50 foot wave, duration 30
Drain Speed 30 points in 50 foot wave, duration 30
Burden 800 points on self, duration 10
Part D
The Daedra Lord
Ability: Daedric Weakness
Weakness to shock 50%
Lesser Power: Lesser Daedra (Cost: 20)
Summon Scamp on self, duration 30
Lesser Power: Fires of Oblivion (Cost: 35)
Fire Damage 50 points on target, duration 0
Greater Power: Dremora Kinsman (Cost: 0)
Summon Dremora Lord on self, duration 60
Greater Power: Raiment of Oblvion (Cost: 0)
Bound Helmet, Gauntlets, Cuirass, Greaves, and Boots on self, duration 60
The Devil
Ability: Hell's Flame
Resist Fire 100%
Resist Water Damage (swim through lava without damage!)
NOTE: Resist Water Damage is replaced in certain magic mods. Check this effect if you choose this birthsign while using a Magic overhaul mod like Supreme Magicka.
Lesser Power: Thoughts of Anger (Cost: 10)
Frenzy level 20 for 30 seconds on touch
Lesser Power: Drain Life (Cost: 20)
Absorb Health 20 points on touch
Greater Power: Whispers of Death (Cost: 0)
Demoralize level 50 on touch, duration 60
Greater Power: Temptation (Cost: 0)
Command Human level 50 on touch, duration 60
Greater Power: Damnation (Cost: 0)
Soul Trap on target, duration 120
Damage health 2 points on target, duration 120
The Necromancer
Ability: Conjuror's Mastery
Fortify Conjuration 25 points
Lesser Power: Dead Rising (Cost: 30)
Summon Headless Zombie on self, duration 30
Leser Power: Soul Reversal (Cost: 20)
Soul Trap on target, duration 30
Greater Power: Silence of the Grave (Cost: 0)
Silence in 20 feet on target, duration 30
Greater Power: The Sixth Element (Cost: 0)
Reanimate on target, duration 120
Part E
The Aegis
Ability: Aegis
Resist Normal Weapons 20%
Lesser Power: Conversion (Cost: 30)
Weakness to Normal Weapons 20% on self, duration 30
Shield 25% on self, duration 30
Lesser Power: Protection (Cost: 20)
Bound Shield on self, Duratio 40
Greater Power: Perfect Aegis (Cost: 0)
Resist Normal Weapons 80% on self, duration 60
Damage Fatigue 3 points on self, duration 60
The Nerevarine (form Eiries)
Ability: Latent Corprus
Resist Fire 50%
Resist Disease 100%
Resist Poison 75%
Restore Health 1 pt
Lesser Power: Wrath of the Tribunal (Cost: 30)
Fire Damage 10 points in 10 feet, duration 0
Frost Damage 10 points in 10 feet, duration 0
Shock Damage 10 points in 10 feet, duration 0
Greater Power: Channel Essence (Cost: 0)
Reflect Damage 20% on self, duration 30
Reflect Spell 20% on self, duration 30
Fortify Strength 20 points on self, duration 30
Fortify Speed 20 points on self, duration 30
Damage Fatigue 100 points on self, duration 0
Greater Power: Will of Almalexia (Cost: 0)
Restore Health 5 points on self, duration 60
Fortify Health 100 points on self, duration 60
The Ranger (from StryderOfOBlivion)
Ability: Dexterity
Fortify Marksman 25 points on self
Lesser Power: Bow of the Hunter (Cost: 30)
Bound Bow on self, Duration 40
Lesser Power: Will of the Hunter (Cost: 50)
Command Creature Level 25 on touch, duration 20
Greater Power: Ranger's Stealth (Cost: 0)
Chameleon 50% on self, duration 60
Damage Fatigue 100 points on self, duration 0
Greater Power: Perfect Aim (Cost: 0)
Fortify Agility 30 points on self, duration 60
Fortify Marksman 25 points on self, duration 60
Fortify Speed 30 points on self, duration 60
Addition 1
The Paladin
Ability: God's Grace
Fortify Strength 10 points
Fortify Willpower 10 points
Fortify Restoration 10 points
Lesser Power: Divine Light (Cost: 20)
Light in 50 feet on self, duration 60
Lesser Power: Heaven's Hand (Cost: 20)
Restore Health 40 points on touch, duration 0
Lesser Power: Holy Fire (Cost: 50)
Fire Damage 30 points in 10 feet on target, duration 0
Light in 40 feet on target, duration 1
Turn Undead level 20 in 10 feet on target, duration 30
Greater Power: Divine Protection (Cost: 0)
Light in 40 feet on self, duration 60
Resist Normal Weapons 30% on self, duration 60
Resist Magic 30% on self, duration 60
Shield 20% on self, duration 60
Greater Power: Warding Light (Cost: 0)
Light in 50 feet on self, duration 60
Light in 5 feet on 50 foot wave, duration 60
Turn Undead level 50 in 50 foot wave, duration 60
Greater Power: God's Judgment (Cost: 0)
Fire Damage 100 points in 30 feet on target, duration 0
Turn Undead level 25 in 30 feet on target, duration 30
The Stray
Ability: Instinct
Fortify Strength 15 points
Fortify Speed 15 points
Lesser Power: Animal Adrenaline (Cost: 30)
Fortify Athletics 30 points on self, duration 30
Fortify Acrobatics 30 points on self, duration 30
Lesser Power: Befriend Nature (Cost: 50)
Command Creature level 20 on touch, duration 30
Greater Power: The Hunt (Cost: 0)
Chameleon 25% on self, duration 45
Fortify Athletics 25 points on self, duration 45
Fortify Acrobatics 25 points on self, duration 45
Fortify Sneak 25 points on self, duration 45
Greater Power: Pack Run (Cost: 0)
Command Creature level 25 in 20 foot wave, duration 60
Greater Power: Howl (Cost: 0)
Demoralize level 25 in 30 foot wave, duration 30
The Pharaoh
Ability: Grace of Egypt
Fortify Endurance 10 points
Fortify Speed 10 points
Fortify Strength 5 points
Fortify Agility 5 points
Lesser Power: Invisiblity of Amunet (Cost: 20)
Invisiblity on self, duration 10
Damage Fatigue 20 points on self, duration 0
Lesser Power: Poison of Meretseger (Cost: 30)
Damage Health 3 points on touch, duration 10
Damage Fatigue 5 points on touch, duration 10
Greater Power: Law of Ma'at (Cost: 0)
Command Creature level 25 on touch, duration 30
Command Humanoid level 25 on touch, duration 30
Greater Power: Resurrection of Osiris (Cost: 0)
Reanimate on target, duration 60
Greater Power: Army of Anubis (Cost: 0)
Summon Skeleton Champion on self, duration 60
Summon Skeleton Hero on self, duration 60
Summon Skeleton Guardian on self, duration 60
Summon Skeleton on self, duration 60
Addition 2
The Assassin
Ability: Natural Killer
Fortify Blade 10 points
Fortify Sneak 25 points
Lesser Power: Knife in the Dark (Cost: 25)
Bound Dagger on self, duration 40
Lesser Power: Night Mother's Embrace (Cost: 20)
Soul Trap on target, duration 30
Greater Power: Death Strike (Cost: 0)
Invisiblity on self, duration 10
Fortify Strength 50 points on self, duration 10
Fortify Speed 50 points on self, duration 10
Fortify Blade 25 points on self, duration 10
Fortify Sneak 25 points on self, duration 10
Damage Fatigue 100 points on self, duration 0
Greater Power: Will of Sithis (Cost: 0)
Drain Willpower 20 points on target, duration 60
Demoralize level 50 on target, duration 60
The Dawn
Ability: Dawn's Might
Fortify Destruction 25 points
Lesser Power: Dawn's Fury (Cost: 20)
Shock Damage 30 points on target, duration 0
Lesser Power: Dawn's Path (Cost: 30)
Rally level 25 in 20 foot wave, duration 30
Greater Power: Fire of the Deadlands (Cost: 0)
Fire Damage 50 points in 50 foot wave, duration 0
Greater Power: Servant of Dagon (Cost: 0)
Summon Dremora on self, duration 60
Greater Power: Dawn's Protection (Cost: 0)
Summon Mythic Dawn Armor on self, duration 120
Summon Mythic Dawn Helm on self, duration 120
The Madgod
Ability: Madness
Fortify Illusion 25 points
Lesser Power: Mania (Cost: 20)
Frenzy level 25 on target, duration 30
Lesser Power: Dementia (Cost: 30)
Demoralize level 20 on target, duration 30
Lesser Power: Wabbasummon (Cost: 30)
Wabbasummon on self, duration 40
Greater Power: Madgod's Guardians (Cost: 0)
Summon Golden Saint on self, duration 60
Summon Dark Seducer on self, duartion 60
Greater Power: Wabba Blast (Cost: 0)
Wabbajack in 30 feet on target, duration 0
Greater Power: Staff of Sheogorath (Cost: 0)
Summon Staff of Sheogorath on self, duration 60
Addition 3
The Cosmos
Ability: Cosmic Power
Fortify Mysticism 25 points
Lesser Power: Cosmic Energy (Cost: 40)
Telekinesis in 50 feet on target, duration 30
Lesser Power: Comet (Cost: 25)
Frost Damage 30 points on target, duration 0
Greater Power: Meteor (Cost: 0)
Fire Damage 100 points in 20 feet on target, duration 0
Greater Power: Gravity (Cost: 0)
Burden 1000 points on self, duration 30
Burden 1000 points in 50 foot wave, duration 30
Greater Power: Natural Order (Cost: 0)
Dispel 250 points on self, duration 0
Dispel 250 points in 50 foot wave, duration 0
The Merchant
Ability: Tools of the Trade
Fortify Personality 10 points
Fortify Mercantile 25 points
Fortify Speechcraft 10 points
Lesser Power: Entice (Cost: 10)
Charm 20 points on touch, duration 30
Lesser Power: Storeroom Key (Cost: 10)
Open Lock 20 points (Easy) on target
Lesser Power: Special Delivery (Cost: 20)
Feather 50 points on self, duration 300
Greater Power: Sly Tongue (Cost: 0)
Fortify Personality 30 points on self, duration 60
Fortify Speechcraft 50 points on self, duration 60
Greater Power: Strike A Deal (Cost: 0)
Fortify Mercantile 100 points on self, duration 60
Greater Power: Silent Auction (Cost: 0)
Silence on target, duration 60
The Blacksmith
Ability: Blacksmith's Hands
Fortify Endurance 10 points
Fortify Armorer 25 points
Lesser Power: Blacksmith's Sword (Cost: 30)
Bound Sword on self, duration 40
Lesser Power: Blacksmith's Mace (Cost: 30)
Bound Mace on self, duration 40
Greater Power: Blacksmith's Forge (Cost: 0)
Fortify Armorer 100 points on self, duration 60
Greater Power: Blacksmith's Furnace (Cost: 0)
Fire Damage 50 points on target, duration 0
Disintegrate Armor 400 points on target, duration 0
Disintegrate Weapon 400 points on target, duration 0