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Created by

Mr Siika Divine Avenger Yarharhar

Uploaded by

Divine Avenger

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About this mod

Name: Mammoth Mounts Version: 1.0 Date: 8/19/2008 Category: Companions Homepage: Thank you Mr_Siika for your Mr_Siikas prehistoric animals modders resource :) Travel to the Chestnut Handy Stables just outside of the Imperial City to find Taj. For now he is available for free.

Permissions and credits
Name: Mammoth Mounts
Version: 1.0
Date: 8/19/2008
Category: Companions

Thank you Mr_Siika for your Mr_Siikas prehistoric animals modders resource :)


This is Taj the Wooly Mammoth and (non-wooly) Mammoth versions, he comes in 4 different types.

1. War mammoth

2. Pack Mammoth

3. Standard Mammoth

4. Weaponless Tusk War Mammoth (by request)


Latest oblivion patch.



Pick which type of Mammoth that you want as a mount from the folders that are provided.

Travel to the Chestnut Handy Stables just outside of the Imperial City to find Taj. For now he is available for free to a good home.

Known Unresolved Issues

Since he uses the sheep skeleton there is a well known bug for these creatures sliding when not on even ground, Taj suffers from this as well and there is no known fix as of yet :(

When in the water your main character can and will sometimes go into a swimming animation while mounted but this is easily fixed by going on land and dismounting. Not sure how to fix this. Also he doesn't swim very well.

Because of his large size the dismount animation is not perfect but works just fine.

Sometimes the dismount animation will kick in but your main character will never fully dismount, it is not a problem really as it is a very rare occurrence - hopefully.

Since he uses the sheep skeleton and animations he cannot move backwards as there is no animation for this made, also the collision is a bit off because of his size but maybe a future fix could be implemented. Also when attacked he doesn't seem to use the stagger animation when hit.

Again because of his size there maybe places when walking where his feet never really touch the ground - it's not too bad though IMO.

Be careful with this mount. Only take him where you think an actual Elephant could travel, steep inclines or declines are not suggested walking or runnig places. When running down hills because of his size this is not recommended as he tends to damage himself quite a bit. Take it slow and easy unless you are on a flat open road then let him run wild.

I am open for suggestions to make him better as I would love to add attacking animations while your main character is still mounted and maybe a frost breath spell like rpsnow mentioned.....


1. Extract the files to a temporary location (your PC's desktop for example).

2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.

3. Copy files Meshes, Textures, Sound and choose one of the Mammoth .esps and add it to "Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data"

4. Start the Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a check mark beside whichever Mammoth .esp you have chosen.

5. Only use one .esp at a time!


8/19/2008 - Added Wooly Mammoth Mounts thanks to Zal Balk textures.

8/18/2008 - New folder fix silly me uploaded the mod and forgot the creature folder for the meshes :p

1.0, 8/17/2008 Initial release


You can find me on the official Elder Scrolls forums as Divine Avenger
You can send me an email here:
You can send me an email here: trooper1 AT fastmail DOT fm
You can find me on as Divine Avenger


Thank you Mr_Siika for your Mr_Siikas prehistoric animals modders resource :)

Thanks to Andrew Maneri without your tutorial this mod would not have happened ([email protected])

Thanks to the amazing work of the niftools team! Visit their website at Really amazing stuff.

Thanks to Zal Balk for the Wooly Mammoth textures great work!

Thanks to Growlf for the white texture used for the Tusks. Love your mods!

Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.

Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.

Thanks to Darkone of and Planet Elder Scrolls for hosting this file.


Feel free to do whatever you like with this mod so use them in your mods if you wish :) Just make sure you give credit to Mr. Siika, Divine Avenger and Zal Balk.