File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

Pizz and Lera

Uploaded by


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Safe to use

About this mod

This Mod sells the An armor, clothes, a weapon which Lera and Pizz made. Figure of the female is only for ExnemsBody.

Permissions and credits
My English is little, these explanations are all machine translations.
Please pardon it though sentences might be incomprehensible.

Therefore I have the case that it is not answered a question.
Please write it in plain English.

This Mod sells the armors, clothes, weapons which Lera and Pizz made.
Figure of the female is only for ExnemsBody.
Please remove old Mod before installation.

The alphabet is written at the end of the item name.

* M = Male
* F = Female
* MF= Male & Female
* A = Amulet
* T = Tail

There is the Hiyoko Store in Cheydinhal.
This shop opens for 24 hours.
If a salesclerk sleeps, please wake him up :)

Please enjoy it :D

UpDate 1.45
/Revised file name of Fran's Ear

UpDate 1.44
/Add FFXII Sword White and Black
/Revised for Mage Armor

Update 1.43
/ReColor for
/Mage Armor became the Black and Red

Update 1.42
/Revised for
/Fran's Head Parts
/Mage Female Armor's Pants

Version History
2008.05/06 add FF12 Sword, revise for Mage Armor
2008.04/18 add FF12 Fran,Mage,Boxer,miniDress
2008.03/21 add FrillDress and VampireHunter's Sword(Fire)
2008.03/09 add Knight Armor and Goggles.
2008.03/07 revise a little.
2008.03/04 revise a little.
2008.03/02 add VampireHunter's Armor and Sword.
add Tie Shirts.
add Dress Hat.
2008.02/29 Initial release.

1. Place the Data folder into your \Oblivion\Data folder and overwrite.
2. Active "Hiyoko_Store.esp"

This Mod prohibits change and use of Mesh / Texture.
Please understand.

----[Credit and VeryThanks!]-------------------------

Female EyeCandy - Body Replacer by Exnem

<please refer to the other credit from following mod><br><br>Leras Knight Armor<br><br><br>Leras VampireHunter LightArmor<br><br><br>Leras Valentine outfit and Staff for ExnemsBody<br><br><br>Lera and Pizz ShiningWind Armor for ExnemsBody<br><br><br>Leras PirateSet for ExnemBody<br><br><br>Lera and Pizz MerryXmasSet in Bruma ExnemsBody<br><br><br>Leras_Clothes_for_Men<br><br><br>pizz FinalFantasyXI WhiteMageAF<br><br><br>pizz NINJA for ExnemsBody<br><br><br>pizz BeastTamer for ExnemsBody<br><br><br>pizz Police Suits for ExnemsBody<br><br><br>----------------------------------------------------<br></please>