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Xed Vilo

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About this mod

This mod adds a castle to the western shore of Cyrodil North of Anvil. My main goal making this mod was to have a armory fit for an obssesive compuslive Xedventurer so i put tons of chests to organise all my goody\'s then it grew i added domestic elements as such the castle is built for male characters if you want to use a female charater you may

Permissions and credits
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Beach House

Author: Xed Vilo

Version: V1.01

Requirements: Requires Official Oblivion Patch 1.2.404 And Shivering Isles

This mod adds a castle to the western shore of Cyrodil North of Anvil.
My main goal making this mod was to have a armory fit for an obssesive compuslive Xedventurer so i put tons of chests to organise all my goody's then it grew i added domestic elements as such the castle is built for male characters if you want to use a female charater you may want to change the npcs to male or just delete them all together

Make Sure to Visit the Beach on the weekend

Extract all the files from the ZIP into your Oblivion\Data director.
Activate Beach House.esp file from Data Files in the Oblivion Launcher.

Delete the following file:
Beach House.esp

Recommended Mods
Exnems Body Replacer, Reznod Mannequin, Decorator Assistant is nice to fill the weapon racks in the Armory

While the following Mods are not included in my MOd i did Name chest's to help organize Gear
Addonay's Chest
Apophis Chest (armory of the silver Dragon)
Blackluster Chest
Myths and legend's Chest

Xed Vilo
feel free to use this in your own work I dont care. It would be nice to get credit though

Contact me at: [email protected]