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About this mod

This mod intends to make birthsigns an important part of gameplay at all levels. The signs are designed to be more than just a package of abilities: each birthsign should change your Oblivion experience in a way that no other sign imitates. Some are subtle about this, and some are downright intrusive.

Permissions and credits
The sign descriptions can be found in the enclosed file "BS Spoilers.rtf", or in the main forum topic linked under Mirrors.

Requires OBSE v0020+, Fundament R3+

This mod intends to make birthsigns an important part of gameplay at all levels. The signs are designed to be more than just a package of abilities: each birthsign should change your Oblivion experience in a way that no other sign imitates. Some are subtle about this, and some are downright intrusive.

Like much within The Elder Scrolls, there's little solid information about the birthsigns: they're deliberately kept mythic and mysterious. Despite exhaustive research, the design of Birthsigns Expanded necessarily contains many personal theories and interpretations. There's a unified underlying concept, grounded in and consistent with established lore... but in keeping with tradition, none of it will be explained! You'll just have to trust me. :)