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About this mod

This Mod will dynamically alter an equiped weapon\'s speed based on its weight and your attributes.

Permissions and credits
This Mod requires the Oblivion Script Extender to work.

I use OOO, and while the majority of the weapon stats are well done, one sticks out as sub-par: Speed. Having speed be based solely upon Weapon Type, with both Attributes and Weight having no impact, is very strange. After mentioning this fact over on the Bethesda forums, I was pointed toward this fantastic Mod by Aridale.

But, I had two problems with that Mod:

1) Weight wasn't the main factor in determining the new speed.
2) The Hi/Lo spread was a bit too extreme.

So, I altered the scripts to better suit my needs by overhauling the Speed formula. The new method of determining Speed is detailed below. Though vastly more simplistic then the one Aridale devised, it gets the job done and is much easier for a scripting Novice to customize.

(I had originally disabled the Auto-Equiping as well, but Aridale went and did it much better shortly after. So that version is used here as well.)


THIS EFFECTS ALL WEAPONS. Even ones included by Mods. The way to have this Mod skip over a weapon is the same as in the base Mod:

"How to set a weapon to be ignored by Dynamic Weapon Speed:
In the CS open the weapon and change its weight to have a value of 0012 after the decimal. So if its weight is 24.0000 make its weight 24.0012 and save your mod. It will now be ignored by this mod.


Currently, it only supports Weapons up to 100lbs, and anything higher will cause the speed to decrease at an exponential rate. This is easy enough to fix by adding in more 'If' blocks to the code, and I might increase it if there's enough demand. Though I don't think many people swing around 100+ lb weapons. It does support Attributes over 100 however, though it's limited support. Meaning it will give you a slight bonus and won't crash. This is easy enough to change if you so desire, by using the same method as expanding the Weight options.

New Speed Formula

1H Weapons rely on Agility
1H BaseSpeed is 1.2 (with Agility=50)
2H Weapons rely on Strength
2H BaseSpeed is 1.1 (with Strength=50)
BaseSpeed is increased by 0.1 for every 10 points above 50
BaseSpeed is decreased by 0.1 for every 10 points below 50
Speed only has an effect at low levels and extremely high levels
Weight scales in increments of 10lbs
If the Weight is greater then the associated Attribute, BaseSpeed is -0.1

Fine Iron Dagger - 1H, Weight: 2.7
Fine Iron Claymore - 2H, Weight: 19.8
Goldbrand - 1H, Weight: 52
Daedric Warhammer - 2H, Weight: 93

Associated Attribute at 50
Fine Iron Dagger - 1.146
Fine Iron Claymore - 0.77
Goldbrand - 0.58
Daedric Warhammer - 0.34

Associated Attribute at 100
Fine Iron Dagger - 1.646
Fine Iron Claymore - 1.27
Goldbrand - 1.18
Daedric Warhammer - 0.94

Speed Modifier
50 = -0.1 per 10
50-100 = No change
>100 = +0.1

ANB Dynamic Weapon Speeds Formula

1H (Agi+Spd)
2H (Str+End)
WeightMod is Weight/80

Combined Associated Attributes at 100
Fine Iron Dagger - 1.21625
Fine Iron Claymore - 1.0025
Goldbrand - 0.85
Daedric Warhammer - 0.1

Combined Associated Attributes at 150
Fine Iron Dagger - 1.84125
Fine Iron Claymore - 1.6275
Goldbrand - 1.225
Daedric Warhammer - 0.7125