Last attempt to save my last mods

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I have found a copy of Oblivion within a safe HD called 'Recuva'. I took that for some irrellevant stuff after a friend helped me with a cleanup.
Here I am standing on 'Xarda's Map Marker' close to Gnoll Mountain. From my new 'Recuva HD' have I also controllled 'Xarda's Tower' in my 'FL Hammerfell WIP (' . The tower is still there!
The only focus I will have from now is to rebuild the main mod. Oblivionrim, Mir Corrup and Elinhir will have to wait. White Rose Farm seems to be untouched. You will be informed on my way down from Gnoll.

!::! Fred is still a SOB

Thank you for endorsents friends !!


  1. Bersark93
    • premium
    • 229 kudos
    I can relate to having many projects in progress I agree on the focusing on one mod at a time, otherwise you end up with many incomplete. I feel it's very much a "take it one step/mod at a time" situation, do whatever works for you I think. I am enjoying watching your mods progress and process regardless of whichever mods/games :D
    1. readyfready
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      You are #1 Bersark. We do things differently and I need some time to recap. I learn by doing. I am not educated in this I am creative and have to stumble - part of my nature. When having said that progression is often derived from stumblintg. Love you !!

      !::! Fred
    2. Bersark93
      • premium
      • 229 kudos
      I'm actually much the same I learn by doing, there don't seem to be many tutorials for it so I am just learning as I go and I make more than plenty learning experiences (mistakes) in the process but the stumbling, scrambling and creative solutions are equally fun and frustrating :)

      Keep up the good work :D
  2. spyrowarner
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Don't give up, Fred. 
    1. readyfready
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      It seems I never do. Am I stupid, childish..? I praise my mother and father for giving me a joyous mind and partly able to manage it :) Thank you, Spyro !!

      !::! Fred
  3. maczopikczo
    • member
    • 214 kudos
    As long as you have fun it's worth it. It's more about the process than the result. Juggling projects is a part of that process. I know a thing or two about that :)
    1. readyfready
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      Thank you , mac. You pinpointed the essence - why am I still here? Lucky me !!

      !::! Fred