bruma night

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  1. Lastutin
    • member
    • 25 kudos
    Stunning night view! Thanks for sharing :)
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      thanks! i'm happy to share some old stuff from time to time
  2. gurleygirl
    • premium
    • 391 kudos
    Gorgeous night scene.
    I keep hoping that all of Cyrodiil will be recreated as a Skyrim expansion but it looks like that's not happening.
    I guess there's just not enough interest with all the new games available.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      many thanks! i'm glad i can run this mo1 gem as 4k with enboost and even cobl and illumination within runs without a flaw :)
      another skyrim gem is rigmor of cyrodiil including a nice part of the bruma/cyrodiil region. there was a time i thought the skyrim cyrodiil release was close...
    2. gurleygirl
      • premium
      • 391 kudos
      Yea, I love the Rigmor series and look forward to the next release.
      That mod author does incredible work but I guess he and Beyond Skyrim: Bruma team never collaborated which is a shame because there was a lot of redundant work done.
    3. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      exactly! the rigmor story was so good and even parts of imperial city were done.
  3. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 159 kudos
    Wow, that is amazing! I haven't fired up my Oblivion game in a while, or looked at Bruma at night from this angle, but I am 99.999% sure it would not look anything like how good this image is. Beautiful!
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      i was just curious if my oblivion still runs. at first try it failed. it was a stupid typing error in the ini file and i'm glad it still runs again :)
      thanks for stopping by and leaving a very nice comment!