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This user's image description contains 19 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Such a great old game. I trust you're enjoying it once again.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      i sometimes return and it's always fun
  2. CuteAsDuck1
    • supporter
    • 285 kudos
    Still looking good after all these years. :)
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      true and so many lovely details still to discover...
  3. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    Very nice set of this place.  Great looking char and love her armor.   I was just romping around in Oblivion tonight, still enjoy this game immensely.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      many thanks! same to me - so many places of beauty...
  4. Federica85
    • member
    • 54 kudos
    Is this a mod you're working on? I'm so interested!
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      thanks for asking! i used probably this mod. the whole installation is from 2015. most of my setup is old stuff. from time to time i discover some old lovely places looking much better in the meantime due to some texture updates i applied. you may also find some oblivion addons for my game here on nexus

    2. Federica85
      • member
      • 54 kudos
      Thanks a lot
  5. 54yeg
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    Such a beautiful game! The Fallout 3 / New Vegas of the Elder Scrolls series, if I may say so!

    Less clunky than Morrowind, not super casual like Skyrim. Graphics are a perfect in between of old bad and good. 9/10
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      yes, it is. it also was my first experience with this kind of free open world. this game was far ahead of its time in 2006 and power hungry. it is just too lovely to delete and i still find some new places and beautiful mods