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i use the dxvk vulkan wrapper for oblivion and it is like day and night. really exciting! no stutter in high draw call areas anymore - it is like a new game!


  1. NarftheDownloader
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    tl;dr - it works on my setup.

    I just tested this using my Mod Organizer 2 profile with Bevilex' modlist (the previous one with Immersive Interiors) and virtual super resolution set to 3840x2160; graphics card is an Rx 5700. Some tested games (based on what I've read online) seem to work better, worse, or no differently depending on the game and graphics cards. Caveats aside:

    Outside Chorrol on a hill, I got about +15% more FPS, and moving the camera felt smoother - which is subjective. :)

    If you want to test it yourself, it's super easy; barely a inconvenience. Go to:


    download the latest release, extract it somewhere, and copy the x32 dlls to your Oblivion folder (you should only need dxd9.dll and dxgi.dll). To uninstall, delete the DXVK dlls. The tdt command can be used to test FPS with and without DXVK. If you want to make sure that DXVK is actually running, this stackoverflow post has the answer at the time of this post:


    Edit: A couple of notes I should make:

    1) It may take a few seconds for Oblivion to launch on DXVK.
    2) It may take a minute or two for Vulkan to compile the shaders and FPS to stabilize. This should only be needed once per new large batch of shaders, but I don't have any info on where this might happen, other than starting the game on DXVK for the first time. Note that Vulkan caches shaders, so if you relaunch the game after FPS stabilizes, everything should run smoothly from the start. Removing and then re-adding DXVK to Oblivion shouldn't affect this, and didn't when I tested it.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      thanks for posting this. your impression is not only subjective. i posted a guide and the background for all dx9 and dx11 games in skyrim se. you find all the important links there and how to make enb work with sse and dxvk. i did the same with oblivion enb 0.181 combined 0.259 (Enboost for oblivion) and it works fine for me with amd card. i tested also skyrim enb 0.292 with oblivion and enb hud works but it is not stable. i`m really missing the enb overlay. 
    2. NarftheDownloader
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Oh, cool. That definitely looks more useful than my quick summary. :)
  2. Dennywood
    • member
    • 163 kudos
    Great image settings and song.

    "i use the dxvk vulkan wrapper for oblivion and it is like day and night".
    Can you tell us where to find this mysterious dxvk, I tried dx june 2011, unfortunately,
    the W10  warned that it causes problem in the system, or something like that.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      hi denny, a guide and the background for all dx9 and dx11 games in skyrim se. you find all the important links there and how to make enb work with sse and dxvk. i hope this helps a little :)
    2. Dennywood
      • member
      • 163 kudos
      Many thanks Xrayy,
      I will read it carefully, as long as my bad english allows me to understand technical infos.
    3. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      we share that problem but my french is even worse ;) nvida cards seem to have more compatibility problems. i'm on amd.
    4. Dennywood
      • member
      • 163 kudos
      As I understand it, this program is mostly recommended for AMD users ...?so i only have to wait for someone to deal with these issues for the nvidia cards.
    5. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      wait or test - with or without enb - it is up to you. it is try and error. for me it worked out of the box.
  3. skywolle
    • premium
    • 172 kudos
    Ich weiß nicht wann ich Oblivion das letzte mal gespielt habe, auf jeden fall freue ich mich das es bei dir rund läuft. Eine schöne Aufnahme mit der Spiegelung auf dem Wasser.

    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      danke sky! wird zeit dass du es wieder auspackst
  4. hamsti
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    Hi xrayy, its a long time ago, but nice to see you back :-) with a very nice image!
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      hi, that's true. glad to see you here! dxvk makes it possible to play oblivion smooth. i need no stutter remover or any tool like that. it was all the time this nasty draw call problem which (see my guide in sse) worked as a invisible brake - even with newest hardware. just fantastic this dxvk workaround and i will post some more oblivion impressions.