Back At It

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This user's image description contains 2 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. chakaru11
    • premium
    • 300 kudos
    yaaaay great to see you back! These outfits look very awesome.
    1. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 308 kudos
      Glad you like it!
      The rigging of the bulkier pants is still somewhat off, especially around the groin, but then, everything is somewhat off around the groin anyways, apart from the skin-tight stuff. But that's surely fixable with some time.
  2. fredlaus
    • account closed
    • 194 kudos
    Are you planning some more outfits?
    Your style would fit well in my Goldmoor?
    1. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 308 kudos
      Ah, yes, I'm following your development since the first picture you showed.
      It's not surprising it would fit, considering for some parts I specifically took a look into oriental and even harem clothing designs for ideas.

      Hmm, more outfits as is isn't exactly planned, but a set of mine usually consists of multiple variations and parts to pick&choose or mix&match.
      I have lots of different textures/color schemes by now as well as lots of different upper, lower, under and over clothes or armor parts, different shapes, different cuts, different designs, even mixed with some older stuff or parts not by me, just to see what will come of it.

      - 1st experiments
      - Last publicly shown
      - Refinements in blue
      - Further refinements in brown
      - This new version above

      So as you can see there's lots of stuff to mix up and create new variants or sets from.
      I may not be allowed to share all of what you see, not all of the random patchwork components are mine, or not until proper permission is sought from also potentially no longer available authors, but a lot of the reappearing stuff is all mine, made from scratch, the textures still placeholders mostly.

      If you take a look at my release schedule, you'll see a release by myself of this work isn't to be expected anytime soon. But I'm also not one for holding back and hoarding the resources I created, if others can put them to better use than me in the meantime. I'm still not convinced they're already really fitting into the game world by style, but others can sure do what I can't and make them so... and within a shorter timespan than... how long am I working on it now? 2 years?

      So, if you want to make use of some of this, or know someone who will, I can take a look over my resources regarding their permission states and give you what I have so far, and am allowed to share. Worst thing that could happen is you, or someone else, coming up with something infinitely better than my work in progress, which I could then download and use myself.
    2. fredlaus
      • account closed
      • 194 kudos
      Thank you, Drake This is awesome!