A Nearly Forgotten Experiment Pt 4

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As most of you are already aware, I have a soft spot for settlements, towns, and villages mods. One
such mod that caught my attention back in the day was the town of Billsburg. Situated NW of Chorrol
and slightly N of the Battlehorn Castle DLC. It had some minor conflicts and a few bugs, but overall a
nicely designed mod.

What I really liked about this one (as with any mod that does so) was the imaginative use of vanilla bits
and pieces used to create newish looking elements. Such as addon balcony and wrap around deck. Me
being me though, I didn't care much for the conglomeration of different city architectures in one small
area. Billsburg uses bits from Anvil, Cheydinhal, Chorrol, Skingrad, and standard lowerclass stuff.

So I began to retex, choosing Chorrol textures since the mod sits very near that city. Then later decided
to remodel some homes and build these nifty addons in to look as if they were always made that way. 
What you see here are the results.

Unfortunately I was never able to get permissions to publicly overhaul Billsburg. So all the effort sat on
my PC gathering dust after the initial building and testing phase was done. I thought to possibly release
the models as a resource package if there is sufficient interest.

Subject #4 is the standard priory model which has been completely converted to Chorrol color scheme.
This one undoubtedly gave me the biggest workout dealing with uv mapping to make the textures lay
out properly. Perhaps not such a visual impact as some others, but it helps tie the overall look of the
town together.


  1. mixxa77
    • premium
    • 192 kudos
    You say you have a soft spot for settlement mods? I stumbled across this author who made some settlement mods. Maybe you don't know them because I don't see you in their endorsement list: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/users/2371663?tab=user+files

    The retextures look good! A release would certainly be nice, if you find the time. The thing that keeps me from doing settlement mods though is, while I know how to make a place crowded and full, I don't know how to make them pretty to look at, as in, decorations and landscape, etc.
    1. mhahn123
      • premium
      • 208 kudos
      Well that statement is actually a bit of understatement truth be told. I've playtested every settlement mod that exists on Nexus and a huge number of them from other sites (including non-english sites). I had some dialogue with Argonianlord when those mods were being created, and am very familiar with all of those settlements. Ald-Khull especially as it sits in the same space as several other settlement mods which I also test drove. Abandoned Village of Lily, Verwen Brewery, FBDC to name a few. That field on the road to Cheydinhal is a popular building spot lol.

      I'll get this stuff packed up pretty soon so those who've shown interest can put it to use. About the settlement modding, thing is it doesn't have to be over done to look nice. Doesn't have to be crowded either to be "full". I tend to formulate an idea of what that location does to survive long before I start building anything. Then choose a location to work on. Landscaping isn't the key issue as it can be molded to whatever you need. The one thing I will say is that a spot with uneven landscaping can be far more interesting, lending a one off uniqueness to your design.
  2. ElderScrollsFan001
    • member
    • 130 kudos
    This could work for that Imperial Templar mod I was working on.
  3. fredlaus
    • account closed
    • 194 kudos
    Cut from PT4:
    I am definitely in for this project. It will be set up in Hammerfell though.
    Hammerfell needs some TLC and settlements.
    I do not care for the architectural similarities cause my guess is nobody could afford that in those days.
    This will definitely sprouse up my project and others too.
    Fabulous work Mhahn!