A Male Dragon Rider Without His Dragon

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  1. JimmyChooChoo
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    This.. is really weird. does this character have a romantic relationship with his dragon..... that's a bit...…………… messed up.
    1. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 308 kudos
      Haha, well, sorry for the confusion, but my characters "are" dragons, the both of them. The dragons from my story are shape shifters, and when among humans prefer hanging around in their human shape.

      You see, that's his fiance, and he's the dragon. (The female creature dragon doesn't yet exist.)
      Or is it only "not " messed up when they both are in their human shape?
    2. JimmyChooChoo
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Ahh right I was thinking maybe something on the lines, but wasn't sure so I just had to question. anyway now I understand that they can shapeshift it's fine.
    3. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 308 kudos
      Ah, no biggy, don't worry. You couldn't possibly know their background, unless you visited my other pictures, too.

      I'm also not exactly helping it by always using the same color-coded dialog, but without any names, with Drake being the green, Kaira the sky blue, and me, when talking to them instead of the public, the yellow sentences, without giving any context as to which is which or where it's coming from, as if everybody visiting my pictures already visited my previous ones as well.

      So I felt I had to explain it at least. Oh, and let's also not get into me "talking" to my imaginary creations in these either. That's just role play, to entertain those waiting for news from me, okay? ^^