A Rider And Her Dragon

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  1. Gixcaririxen
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    it's a werry nice, I'm like this dragon model
    1. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 308 kudos
      Thank you. I'm glad you like it so far!

      I hope I'll be able to finish it sometime soon, too.
  2. Selene310187
    • premium
    • 236 kudos
    Every little step counts and all together make a great masterpiece. It doesn't matter how long does it take or how fast your progress is. I admire your dedication to this project. Keep up your good work :)

    Happy Holidays!
    1. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 308 kudos
      Thank you! Glad you like it.

      Merry Christmas and Happy Seasons to you, too!
  3. Wolflady500
    • premium
    • 107 kudos
    Ohhh very nice! The akatosh dragon is okay but it's awesome to see a four legged winged brand new model!
    1. DrakeTheDragon
      • Moderator
      • 308 kudos
      Thank you! Glad you like it.

      Well, Akatosh is a Dovah, as we now know the name of the species goes, completely conforming with the l-l-l-lore (sry, can't hear that word anymore),
      whereas mine are European style Dragons originating from Ancient Earth, never so far seen or heard of in the history of The Elder Scrolls.
      I got my own weasel-lore to explain how they got there in the first place, but it doesn't change the fact they simply don't belong on Nirn.
      That's likely the main reason why there's not many others alike. But I digress.

      Oh, but the model isn't so brand new either. I just converted what I got for my Anthro-Dragon Race to walk on four legs now and work with a creature skeleton. But I know what you mean. Besides, what I turned into a creature now is a much newer state of the models than what's publicly released so far.

      If just my progress wasn't so slow going for all those years, who knows how far I'd already gotten? I'm just glad I'm at least making this little but consistent progress these days. Else I'd likely go crazy now.