Inside the Animus

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  1. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Very nice Duci! It's hard to believe these are from Oblivion, the detail is amazing.
    1. ForgottenB
      • member
      • 217 kudos
      Thank you so much my friend
      Oblivion 100%, enb trickery, that is the short description. Shame that this outfit is only 1k, it would have been much better if it was at least 2k... 4k even better
      Still, very nice outfit, same as the original
  2. taepal77
    • member
    • 134 kudos
    1. ForgottenB
      • member
      • 217 kudos
      Hehe, something different than usual from me here, but ok
      Thanks so much mate
  3. Jckspacy
    • member
    • 22 kudos
    These are seriously some sweet images! I just love the Assassin's Creed stuff for Oblivion. Plus it's not too out of the realm of lore friendly. Okay, true. They're both different game companies and well...games. But the robes fit Oblivion's style at least in my opinion. Seriously great work on these images!

    I personally prefer Oblivion to Skyrim in terms of games wise and....I think mods wise as well. I don't know, there's just something about Oblivion that I absolutely adore!
    1. ForgottenB
      • member
      • 217 kudos
      Hehe, me too, when I saw the outfit, I just couldn't resist, even installed poses for the first time, to shoot a few screenies
      About lore friendly, some will say yes, some no... I personally think it is 99% lore, with its look and style, just perfect. Look what the guards are wearing, it isn't much different than this one.

      Also Bethesda games are always been the most popular, possibility to work with mods, where you can do almost anything you imagine. Which isn't the case with Ubisoft, 'cause they will never allow modifications for their games.

      Thanks so much mate, very glad you enjoyed
  4. raccoondance
    • premium
    • 228 kudos
    Oblivion is one of those games I really should pick up so I can play it with mods, since it's the one Elder Scrolls game I only have on the console.

    I would stay with Win7 for now, there are no REAL benefits in Win10 at the moment and lots of things where you scratch your head, thinking why on earth did they do it that way.

    Mostly thinking about them nerfing Vram in DX9 games to 4gb and the more or less forced updates which is not a good thing at work and at home it can get really slow suddenly because it's trying to download something in the background while you are torturing your PC with a fps crushing ENB running one of these games.

    Eventually everyone will have to move over when things start breaking from being out of date and not supported but 7 is actually the best one as of now.

    Ohh right, hello there!
    1. ForgottenB
      • member
      • 217 kudos
      It can look much better than Skyrim, even with a few mods, enb, ini tweaks. But for scenery only, characters can look cute, but not realistic as they are in Skyrim.
      Character creation is the only thing why Skyrim is so superior.
      But again, I don't care much about characters here, I love scenery, and that is probably what I will shoot every time. Ok, just once now, something different from me here, poses for the first time

      About win7, I absolutely agree, as long as I can play games with it, no need to reinstall OS.
      Of course, if they ever release an update for win10, which will make things more compatible, same as they are in Win7, only then I might upgrade OS.

      Thanks so much mate, for stopping by and for the chat
  5. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    Very cool shots duci,.. Makes me want to play again, although I've perhaps played it even more then skyrim. Oblivion become very unstable for me after schwitching to W10, a lot of mods not working anymore or doing stuff they should not,..

    Ps ,.. What enb are you using there ?
    1. ForgottenB
      • member
      • 217 kudos
      Thank you so much Erwin
      Mostly I enjoy with scenery, but tried something different today, using poses for the first time here.
      I'm using Win7, and I will probably keep it that way. I've heard a lot of bad things about Win10...
      Enb is a personal configuration, for screen-shooting only
  6. EMS60
    • member
    • 105 kudos
    They look really good. You've a special sense for using those, as I call them, 'crazy' DoF's.
    1. ForgottenB
      • member
      • 217 kudos
      Thank you so much my friend
      It is an enb preset I've made few days ago, for screen-shooting only. DoF is the same one I use in Skyrim, originally made by a friend. It does the job nicely here too, with a few small tweaks
  7. 0nelazyBattlemaga
    • premium
    • 247 kudos
    Nice shots and use of the pose pack. I played oblivion just before the release of Skyrim. maybe for a month. Funny thing is that I did not know of the Nexus then or modding. Are you having to manual install mods?

    I was just looking at Betty's mods and see a sailboat mod, maybe one of her first. Could you do a sailboat set.

    Edit: Thanks for considering a boat set. Didn't want to bump this so I edited.
    1. ForgottenB
      • member
      • 217 kudos
      Thank you so much Doug
      Same here, I played Oblivion before Skyrim, and a few more times after... This game I'm enjoying more than Skyrim, because I can play... In Skyrim as soon as I start the game, I end up taking shots... I never installed so many mods before in Oblivion... not until now, and because I did, I decided to take a few screenies
      I will always do manual install, never automatic installers. Manual for life

      EDIT: I will try to do one set with boats