Wandering in the Green

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I am now officially in love with Cinematic Chic ENB.
It's the look I've been wanting since this recent install... Still not sure if there's a weather mod out there that will work for me, but I'm not terribly worried, because this just does so much, I think. :)


  1. Zella
    • premium
    • 90 kudos
    Ooo, too dark for me, but perhaps my screen is set too dark. There are some people's images that are much too dark for me to really see, though they have not been posting lately. This shot is lovely & I can see it, but not well.

    The important thing is that you are enjoying your game & sharing it with us. ;-)
    1. Sonja
      • member
      • 181 kudos
      Hmm... Or it could be my screen as well, I suppose. There have been so many times when things have been too bright for me, and I've just assumed it's to do with my aesthetic preferences... maybe it's technical as well.

      Any joking aside, I really do think individual setups have *a lot* to do with what works best for us. As Denny mentioned, below, this ENB can also seem too white, or faded, for some. Apparently, for me, it's right in the happy middle.
    2. Zella
      • premium
      • 90 kudos
      Excellent! Your game should be perfect for YOU. That way you will share more beautiful images with us. ;-D
  2. bevilex
    • premium
    • 297 kudos
    There is a big difference between no ENB and ENB, you know what I prefer :p
    Normally Heaven and Hell should work well with it (I have both)
    1. Sonja
      • member
      • 181 kudos
      *chuckles* well, it took me a while, but I'm glad I finally broke down.

      I will try Heaven and Hell again.. before when I installed it with an ENB, the clouds looked violent and nuclear in various conditions, but that was an older ENB, which may have had something to do with it.
      The thing is... I absolutely love about 85% of Heaven and Hell, but I'm not crazy about a couple of the weathers... Maybe they will look different with this though. I also wish I could disable the blizzards... I had the esp. that was supposed to restrict them to the colder regions of Cyrodiil, but I was still getting them in places like Bravil and Blackwood... o.O
    2. bevilex
      • premium
      • 297 kudos
      I may have the same problem with the blizzards, I just haven't travelled enough to realize it maybe … but for me it would not be a problem, just the magical weather of Cyrodiil ^^
      For the rest, you can tweak your ENB (sky lightning/colors, bloom etc) to your preferences and other mods (:
      All Natural is also a very good and customizable weather mod.
    3. Sonja
      • member
      • 181 kudos
      Hmm... I tried Heaven and Hell a bit earlier with this combo. It was not terrible, but felt a touch too unnatural and intense. I suppose I could try tweaking it.. though I'd have no idea what I'd be doing.. o.O

      I'm too tired to mess more with this stuff now, but I may attempt All Natural again in the next day or two. I installed it when I was trying to get this game up and running, and it didn't end well, but I can't recall why now... It took a while to figure out my install, so the details are now blurred.
      I have used All Natural before, and I mostly liked it, so perhaps it would work well.
    4. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 206 kudos
      As for the weather, All Natural is an evergreen to me, with generous hand-picked extras from Discovery1's mods. I reckon AN is more subtle and, well, natural, but discovery's textures quality is unsurpassed
      Nice image, btw., although I'd change the composition so that it's less centric...
    5. Sonja
      • member
      • 181 kudos
      OK... this stuff creates obsessiveness, I think.. The minigame of modding Oblivin in order to make it "just so." I *was* going to get an early night... and of course, promptly decided to mess with weather instead.
      I love Heaven and Hell, but I think, given my current direction, and the addition of the enb, I want something that is..well... a bit more "natural," with a hint of fantasy. So, I may have settled on All Natural, with only the vanilla weathers active, because I found that using the other weathers included produces some peculiar effects... probably something to do with the ENB and/or OR.

      Funny you should say that, I was experimenting with the angles of that shot and deliberately decided to try something fairly centric. I think you may be right, though, looking at it now.
  3. Dennywood
    • member
    • 162 kudos
    Depending of your computer and the encountering of other mods, I tried it and there was too much white lighting (for the day time) and colors were too faded... I see that you found a very good way to enhance your textures for a very good look. Very Nice.
    1. Sonja
      • member
      • 181 kudos
      Thank you
      Yes, I have noticed that the way one's setup responds to ENBs seems quite individual. For example, I tried Arcadia ENB, which was very pretty around sunset and sunrise, but around midday, much as you experienced with Cinematic, the colours were too bright and washed out. Yet, some of the screen shots I saw were awesome.