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Another of my experiment shots...


  1. Lookbot
    • member
    • 89 kudos
    Wonderful ;3

    you must use this setting. tweak a bit will be great :3
    1. papp263
      • supporter
      • 159 kudos
      Thanks Lookbot.
      I have to admit, this configuration is growing on me... however, if I'am to keep this I will have to find a suitable replacement for OBGE liquid water (that's a tough mod to give up) that doesn't require me to do a complete overhaul just to use it...
      Also... I really do like editing (making the image my own) that too would be incredibly difficult to give up... :/
    2. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 206 kudos
      Papp, I've found that the only acceptable water with ENB is Alenet's Improved Water. But you must remember to change iMultiSample=0 to iMultiSample=2 in your Oblivion.ini, otherwise water disappears and is opaque underwater.
      Unfortunately in my case it also had an effect on the overall image (increased brightness was one of the most obvious symptoms), but it grew on me after some extra fiddling with SweetFX. (Yes, on top of all that! )
      I'm curious how you've managed to run OBGE shaders with ENB. Don't they require OBGE core and its own d3d9.dll?
      Your latest series is beyond awesome - I reckon it's worth any FPS hit (especially that you can always turn ENB off with Shift+F12 when necessary). I remember you've got a nice, fast system so it shouldn't be so bad after all. (I've found myself playing at 3-5 FPS recently, and it's... well, unbearable but playable )
    3. papp263
      • supporter
      • 159 kudos
      Thank you kindly Mac.
      I'll have a look at that water and see if I like it.

      As for OBGE and ENB using the same file extension name's... they do not.
      ENB uses d3d9.dll, and OBGE uses d3dx9_31.dll thus do not overwrite eachother.

  2. css0419
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    Very good.
  3. beldaran1224
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    I'm wondering what graphic mods you're using here, OR, OBGE and/or ENB? Also, which effects do you have active (or ENB preset)? Because this is absolutely beautiful. And I want this in my game.
    1. papp263
      • supporter
      • 159 kudos
      Thank you very much.

      I'm using a few shader's from the OBGE stand alone mod pack, and cinematic ENB.
      I have numerous texture mod's also in play (way to many to list them all).

      The custom tweak's done to the OBGE shader's are my own doing, from many (drunken) night's playing around with them.
      The tweak's I've made will most likely not look good in another set-up... (most people will agree I think...) OBGE shader's are best Tweaked by one's self for what you personally are looking at on your own screen.

      Cinematic ENB is as it was when I D/Led it, only thing I have done is remove the sun sprite so far... (but I do find "fun" in playing around with setting's and such).

      Thanks again.
  4. pablete
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    The experiment has been an overwhelming success.
    1. papp263
      • supporter
      • 159 kudos
      Thank you, glad you like it.