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DDD ENB - Cinematic Fantasia (finally released!)


  1. demidekidasu
    • supporter
    • 110 kudos
    Thank you for the encouragement, everyone
  2. Dennywood
    • member
    • 163 kudos
    I need more images to compare with other enb imges, but just this one seems to give a perfect look.
    One question: is the grey tone generalized?
    1. demidekidasu
      • supporter
      • 110 kudos
      Thank you, Dennywood.

      In bright areas, the palette adds a slightly blue mid-tone to the screen. In snowy areas, for example, it accentuates the cold and fresh feel of the scene. Other than that, the default palette is greyscale, but there are 3 optional palettes which mimic the colour response of certain camera/film/editing formats.
  3. KSI Carbon Core
    KSI Carbon Core
    • supporter
    • 116 kudos
    Oh shoot, dat ENB tho. I like it, I'm anticipating this.
  4. Cthulhu Worship
    Cthulhu Worship
    • member
    • 33 kudos
    Cant wait to try out your ENB.
  5. Tobjoern
    • supporter
    • 124 kudos
    Cool shot!
  6. demidekidasu
    • supporter
    • 110 kudos
    --EDIT: Site bug please, ignore this comment.--
  7. lutherfollow
    • member
    • 29 kudos
    I like it! but i'm missing your cyan tone..
    1. demidekidasu
      • supporter
      • 110 kudos
      I grew tired of it. I've created a much superior palette and changed my art direction, though I may experiment with a palette that recreates the old look

      Thank you
  8. css0419
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    Wow! That it will be released is expected I am very .