Moonshadow edit

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The face here is type 3 from the Dollface Skin Resource by chakaru11. Lightening the texture so it would match the moonshadow body was not fun, as I am a total newb at graphics editing, and there are many more shades of peachy-pink than I previously believed. There is probably some easy button hidden in Gimp that I missed. I also switched head meshes, as I can never make a face I like with the default moonshadow head. But I really like the result.


  1. nakakita
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Thanks, that's really helpful advice. There are similar functions in Gimp, so I should be able to do that. I was messing with color curves with both images next to each other until it looked like it matched, then using color picker to see how close I got, then trying again. xD
  2. chakaru11
    • premium
    • 300 kudos
    Hey, that actually looks really cute Like I said in the download thread, texture 3 was a WIP, I didn't even have an ingame screenshot XD

    Aw, I wish I could have helped you, but I use photoshop, not gimp :/ In photoshop I ususally open the skintone I want to edit. Then I open the original moonshadow elf texture and copy paste it into the texture I want to edit as a new layer. Then I use the layer styles "color" or "hue" so the color theme of the moonshadow elf texture is copied down onto the original layer, aka the face texture you want to edit. Save, done.

    But I have no idea how to do this in Gimp >.<