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Last image before I release Shadow as a CM partner and the last part of her backstory - why she joined the Bruma Guard

After she had performed her master's piece (a series of very complicated assassinations that crippled the dark brotherhood) and tired of the endless killing for profit (and the sick desires of the dark brotherhood and some of the clients she had to take jobs for) she decided to do something beneficial for the people of her home town (Bruma) she asked Burd to allow her to join the Bruma guard.

Also a note on her current sword: it's an ancient artifact that was hidden away in an ancient ruin somewhere. Its enchantments cause huge amounts of damage to whoever/whatever is hit with it that they die a minute after being hit. It's known as Hades to those who have seen Shadow wield it in battle.

other images for her backstory can be found at these links

also can anyone tell me how to turn the links above into hyperlinks? Tried in one of the other images but it didn't work

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