

How to use ESRGAN (old) - text: DUMP

professional tutorial on how to install and run esrgan on windows.


--- SOFTWARE ---


CUDA (optional) need NVIDIA graphics card

--- ANACONDA PROMPT (installing pytorch) ---

If you have installed CUDA:

conda install pytorch torchvision cuda100 -c pytorch

If you have not installed CUDA:

conda install pytorch-cpu torchvision-cpu -c pytorch

--- ANACONDA PROMPT (installing others) ---

conda install git pip

pip install numpy opencv-python

pip install pyqt5

git clone https://github.com/dsluo/dataGAN

--- ANACONDA PROMPT (general usage) ---

cd dataGAN

python datagan.py

--- dataGAN ---

If you are using CPU instead of CUDA, you must switch the device before running.

Thank you to my friend dsluo for making this GUI for ESRGAN! Currently WIP, only use 'Scale: 4'

--- General Rules of ESRGAN ---

Only accepts normal file types like png. If you are converting a jpg file please remove jpg artifacts before running!

Do not attempt to scale something beyond 2048x2048x

Do not use with transparencies. There are ways to get around this, such as saving the alpha channel as a separate image and upscaling both images.

Does not work on every kind of low resolution image.

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