You can actually do it with MBINCompiler but resulting exml files are 20MB and display unrequired 16 other empty language translations for each and every line of text.
So I built this tool to convert language .MBIN files into simple .txt files that only display current language, reducing resulting files to about 2MB, and making them far more easier to edit.
indeed as you can see on the screen above, its syntax is very simple :
For each line, you have DATA label (which is often in capital letters) and after a tab, you have the translated words into curvy brackets.
And that's all.
So all you have to take care is keeping your new text into curvy brackets and everything will be fine.
I hope this tool will ease the life of modders who noticed some piece of dialogs not converted from english or to fix some particular ones.
Thanks to my work on a complete overhaul of the french transcription, I noticed a few rules :
- No text can be longer than 1024 bytes. Each char is one byte but carriage returns also count as 1 byte and any accentuated letter count as 2 bytes. A debug file is created if any too long text is detected.
- a double carriage return push text to a separate panel but it's not yet sure if the amount of panels per discussion is fixed or dependant on the text itself.
- no text in any single panel can call the same variable twice. So you can have "%NAME% has this %TITLE%" but not "%NAME% lies. %NAME% is gone"
Enjoy :)
v5.0 : New tool version to reflect file structure changes added in 5.0 game files. v3.1 and v2.3 versions will still be needed for editing files from previous game version.
v3.1 : fixed an header issue where resulting .MBIN files were ignored by the game.
v3.0 : New tool version to reflect file structure changes added in 4.65 game files. v2.3 version will still be needed for editing files from previous game version.
v2.3 : added 2 header values that was confusing MBINCompiler slightly when re-opening resulting MBIN files
v2.2 : improved stability, reworked UI and slightly faster conversion times
v2.1 : nested brackets support, multiple files drag and drop support
v2.0 : updated for Beyond
v1.56 : removed file name check (to be able to open new LOC5 files and to be able to open any new language file in future)
v1.55 : fixed a conversion issue with 1 char translated words, speeded up MBIN to TXT conversion
v1.54 : fixed a conversion issue that revealed that 75 lines were not translated by HG in non-english LOC4 files and causing bad labels for some new substances (amongst other troubles)
v1.52 : fixed support of NMS_LOC4 files
v1.5 : updated for NEXT
v1.2 : Fixed a bug that could cause added cariage return to result in missing first line after conversion into MBIN.
v1.1 : Missing brackets and lines exceeding 1024 bytes are detected and reported.
v1.0 : original release
Compatibility :
This tool is compatible with any known game version using the adequate tool version :
- for Worlds Part I and later please use NMS Translator 5.x
- for Orbital 4.65 and later, please use NMS Translator 3.x
- for BEYOND and later, please use NMS Translator 2.x
- for NEXT and later game versions language files, please use NMS Translator 1.5x
- for any language file created before NEXT, use NMS Translator 1.2