No Man's Sky
Sentinel Starship Fabricator - WIP

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Since I'm doing some good progress on the Sentinel Fabricator mod, I thought I'd share some info on the upcoming stuff:

1) When inputing resources in a slot, the game will now display the icon of the resource instead of leaving it blank (don't ask why this isn't in the current version already, I'm super pissed it was possible do achieve at all with relative ease compared to problems I had with another idea that did not work out).

2) A new slot was added that will allow users to pick the combination of exhaust / engine glow visibile on the back on the ship with a full hull // skirt, nicknamed Flame. If you don't know what I'm talking about, see this image. Right now all fabricated Interceptors should default to option 1 (all engines lit up with full skirt).

3) A new slot was added that will allow users to add what I currently call Accessories: various additions to the hull / chassis of the ship. Stuff like little guns on outer egde of the hull, Kaercher-looking boosters with thick pipes, some additional armor plates / wing thingies on the hull. I decided to put them all up in a single slot like that because a) I'm running out of screen real estate and 2) some of them are not compatible with most of the combinations, where as Top Flaps / Aileron is. Yes, that means you will have to decide whether you want extra plates or extra guns, can't have both at the same time.

4) Both Upper and Lower Wings slots have been reworked to add new variants of wings. For Upper Wings section, users will be able to pick different variants of Flip and Prong-styled wings that have different variants of coloured plates attached to them. For example: what is now a single variant of Upper Wing Flip, has been spilt into Flip with No Plate, Flip + Black Plate, Flip + White Plate and Flip + Coloured Plate, and you will be able to freely choose between them using different substances. The same logic will apply for top and bottom Prong-style wings.

Now, important notice to the last point - because of changes to the descriptor group list which includes renaming of existing wing variants, Interceptor starships assembled with current version of the mod will loose / revert the wing parts. That is intended behaviour and you will need to assmble a new Interceptor ship to get the same look.

With all that please keep in mind: while I'm open to suggestions posted on the Posts page on my mod, I can't guarantee they will be possible to implement given the simplistic nature of the starship assembly functionality the game offers (conventional mods can't add new functionality to the game).