No Man's Sky

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  1. dragonfire3405
    • member
    • 45 kudos
    Hey Karna! Surprised to see you here! I didn't realise you had a flicker too. :D
    1. Karna5
      • premium
      • 292 kudos
      Always great to see you anywhere, Dragonfire3405!
  2. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    Brilliant colors in this. I like it.
    1. Karna5
      • premium
      • 292 kudos
      Thanks, my friend. It's one of those games I resisted purchasing for ages thinking the graphics might not be good enough compared to Fallout 4 and other high end games, but I think I was wrong. It has a magic to it which fittingly changes with each highly varied world or moon of cold, heat, toxic, water, radiation, etcetera, with each type of atmosphere and rock.

      One can spend countless hours walking (travelling cave to cave over the surface to recharge the shields), driving or flying low.

      It has a "creative" mod where you don't have to worry about health and dying and can just build bases or whatever you want without risk. And I tried it briefly and see the attraction of that, but I like the normal mode. I like having to mine for materials to build and to stay alive, and the game balance, once you learn the mechanics, are perfect for knowing you'll stay alive by scanning for the required minerals even if you have to travel several minutes to find safety.
  3. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Beautiful shots, Karna! I haven't been very talkative lately, but I've been admiring your sets. Never played this game, looks really interesting.
    1. Karna5
      • premium
      • 292 kudos
      Thanks, my friend. The game is serene and immersive once you get the hang of it. I really like it a lot and listen to audio books while playing. I'm probably on audio book number 10 or 12 since starting the game 138 hours ago

      If you ever see it on sale I do recommend it

      **Goes back to Deliverance audio book narrated by Will Patton** hehe