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About this mod

XBOX 360 Color schemes for Ryu's Fiend Hayabusa costume.

Permissions and credits
This mod attempts to imitate the remaining 4 XBOX 360 DLC color schemes for the updated Fiend Hayabusa costume in the base game.


4 XBOX 360 Inspired Costumes
Cutscene Support
Facial animations
Full Blood System Compatibility

What it does not include:

Scheme slot selection menu (As far as I'm aware, this is impossible unless someone is able to implement a slot based system to the game)


*I labeled each folder with descriptions of each of the costume's color schemes.*
*Figure out which costume you want to play with, open the appropriate folder and follow ↓*

1) Drop the files into your ~mods folder.
If you don't have a ~mods folder then make one by following the next set of steps.
2) Navigate to NINJAGAIDEN2BLACK\Content\Paks\
3) Right click the empty space.
4) Make a new folder.
5) Label it "~mods" without quotes.
6) Then go back to step 1.