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About this mod

Changes the remaster's color grading to more closely resemble the original RepliCant.

Permissions and credits

I based this off of the color grading of the original RepliCant but it should mostly match Gestalt as well. This was specifically based off of the Northern Plains when sunny, so other weather conditions and areas may not match as well. I can't really get it any closer than this sadly

Installation Guide:
  • Download the mod file(s)
  • Download ReShade (do not install yet for convenience)
  • Select NieR Replicant ver. 1.22... when installing ReShade
  • Choose Microsoft DirectX 10/11/12 as the rendering API
  • When ReShade asks for a preset file when installing effects, use the mod file
  • Start up the game
  • Edit the settings if you want to, then tick Performance Mode.