NieR Replicant
Innocence 08

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"Night rushes on, and tears take up the hours. The road divides here."
[Hic locus est, partis ubi se via findit in ambas.]
Virgil, Aeneid, Book VI, line 540. [Aeneas’ guide, the Sibyl, curtly warned him.]

Kainé: Thanks, but I'll pass.

Sean Paul — Temperature

"They would, when strength was gained with time, inevitably wrench by combined attacks, 
renewed again and again, both wife and life from the paternal tyrant."
J.J. Atkinson, Primal Law, Chapter II, Band of exiled young males, 1903, p. 221.

The Shadowlord's rampage provoked the twins to make multiple Replicants from one Gestalt.
The corrupted older NieR & Yonah vanish although a pure younger pair gain reward to live out.

"For we learn from it that no damage is done if, for once in a way, we make a mistake and offer the 
patient a wrong construction as the probable historical truth. ... Indeed, we often get an impression 
as though, to borrow the words of Polonius, our bait of falsehood had taken a carp of truth."
Sigmund Freud, Constructions in Analysis, II, 1937. [The point must be gone into in detail – pass.]