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Exiled EyeUploaded by
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About this mod
The goal of this preset is to reduce color banding, reduce aliasing and reduce the generally washed-out colors of the game with original visual fidelity in mind.
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It's a relatively simple ReShade preset aiming to reduce the washed-out fog/effect filter you can feel in the game, reduce color banding and reduce aliasing with original visual fidelity in mind while staying performance friendly.
It was originally found on my guide but I decided to dedicate a proper nexus page to it.
It comes with two variants of the preset:
- MathematicallyCorrectPreset.ini
- Simple MathematicallyCorrectPreset.ini
- ReShade, check my guide if unsure on how to install to be compatible with other mods.
- Mathematically Correct Configuration Chapter A, not technically required but this preset was made with this base configuration in mind.
- Download the zip file from download section.
- Extract the zip in NierAutomata root folder.
Note: If you already have a reshade2.ini, either delete it along an eventual reshade3.ini, or rename it to be the last to load (or merge). - In game press HOME to open ReShade UI where you can select the variant of the preset you want.
- After testing and making eventual edits don't forget to tick performance mode in the lower right corner.
- For even better anti-aliasing performance you can use on top of my preset:
1. BIAA.fx (it's anti-aliasing effect is strong but it's very blurry and destructive on the UI, not recommended)
2. Temporal_AA.fx (It looks the best but it's not very useable for standard gameplay but for it's great screenshots since it comes with very visible motion blur) - I adjusted the effect of the preset to be used over UI but if don't like it's effects on the UI you can look into Reshade UI Masker.
- The ReShade2.ini is there to overwrite two settings in particular in the main ReShade.ini:
1. To set the cache path to ".\reshade-cache".
2. To set the preset folder and preset automatically.
ChaserJZX for his LUT which I used as base for my LUT editing it and applied my tone mapping.