NieR: Automata
Kaine 28

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"He kept saying over and over to himself, – Devant une façade rose, Sur le marbre d'un escalier. –
The whole of Venice was in those two lines."
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Chapter XIV, 1891 [the 'monstre charmant' (hermaphrodite)].

Commander White: Now kill her before she kills you!

"The skiff lands, chains cast round pillar, sets me in front of a pink façade, on the marble of a stairway."
[« L’esquif aborde et me dépose, Jetant son amarre au pilier, 
Devant une façade rose, Sur le marbre d’un escalier. »]
Théophile Gautier, Sur les lagunes (On the Lagoons), Enamels and Cameos (Émaux et Camées), 1852. 

TELYKast feat. Loren Gray — Nobody To Love

"The antagonists were not two individuals, but two illustrious families. The contest had begun many 
centuries before. No one could any longer describe the forgotten prize, but it was rumored that it 
was enormous and perhaps infinite. The pieces and the chessboard were set up in a secret tower. 
Jaromir (in his dream) was the first-born of one of the contending families. The hour for the next 
move, which could not be postponed, struck on all the clocks. The dreamer ran across the sands 
of a rainy desert — and he could not remember the chessmen or the rules of chess. At this point 
he awoke. The din of the rain and the clangor of the terrible clocks ceased."

[No lo disputaban dos individuos sino dos familias ilustres; la partida había sido entablada hace 
muchos siglos; nadie era capaz de nombrar el olvidado premio, pero se murmuraba que era enorme 
y quizá infinito; las piezas y el tablero estaban en una torre secreta; Jaromir (en el sueño) era el 
primogénito de una de las familias hostiles; en los relojes resonaba la hora de la impostergable jugada; 
el soñador corría por las arenas de un desierto lluvioso y no lograba recordar las figuras ni las leyes 
del ajedrez. En ese punto, se despertó. Cesaron los estruendos de la lluvia y de los terribles relojes.]
Jorge Luis Borges, The Secret Miracle (El milagro secreto), 1943.

Commander White filled her Bunker with Machine Black Boxes, the rigid foes of Android Black Boxes.