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Kaine 16

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"Only one is a wanderer; two together are always going somewhere."
Vertigo, movie 1958, Director: Alfred Hitchcock [Madeleine to Scottie].

Alfred Hitchcock's Masterpiece 'Vertigo' [Vintage Movie Poster]

2B: No. We should keep fighting.

"Now to say this once is as good as saying it forever."
Zeno of Elea [Leibniz – Hegel, Logic – G. Vlastos, Studies in Greek Philosophy, Vol. I, p. 224]. 

Elvis Presley — No More

"Agnes: Listen and you will hear. It is necessary to have two witnesses who are very quick 
and in agreement. They go to the curate: the point is to catch suddenly, that he doesn't have
time to escape. The man says: mister curate, this is my wife; the woman says: mister curate, 
this is my husband. It is necessary for the curate to feel, for the witnesses to hear; and this 
marriage is done, as sacrosanct as if the pope had done it. When the words are once uttered, 
the curate can scream, shout, play the devil. It does not matter; you are husband and wife." 
[Tametsi conciliar ruling (Trent, 1563) had predated Ne Temere papal decree (Pius X, 1908).]

[Agnese (cuore e destrezza; e la cosa è facile a saperla fare) – Ascoltate e sentirete. 
Bisogna aver due testimoni ben lesti e ben d’accordo. Si va dal curato: il punto sta di 
chiapparlo all’improvviso, che non abbia tempo di scappare. L’uomo dice: signor curato, 
questa è mia moglie; la donna dice: signor curato, questo è mio marito. Bisogna che 
il curato senta, che i testimoni sentano; e il matrimonio è bell’e fatto, sacrosanto come 
se l’avesse fatto il papa. Quando le parole son dette, il curato può strillare, strepitare, 
fare il diavolo; è inutile; siete marito e moglie.]
Alessandro Manzoni, The Betrothed (I promessi sposi), Chapter 6, 1827 [Thing is easy.]