NieR: Automata
Rosalind 26 - Contrarieties

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"Nothing is less strange than the contrarieties one detects in man. He is made to know the truth."
Comte de Lautréamont, Poésies II. [He has no light other than the one he finds in his character.]

Devola: "There's no point in doing that, you know," she whispers.

"But if my mind's at odds with itself, rejects what it wanted, wants what it just gave up, fluctuates, 
clashes with my whole way of life, pulls down, constructs, replaces square with round?"
[Quid, mea cum pugnat sententia secum, quod petiit spernit, repetit quod nuper omisit, 
aestuat et uitae disconuenit ordine toto, diruit, aedificat, mutat quadrata rotundis?] 
Horace, Epistles, Book I, #1, lines 97-101.

9S to himself: I'm gonna kill you...

Alan Walker — Unity

"And by allowing us nothing leaves us to be stones that are rolled along rather than human beings whose function 
has its source in themselves and their own nature. But we must grant to ourselves what is ours while admitting 
that some things come from the universe into what is ours, which is already something and is our own; and we must 
distinguish what we do ourselves, what we undergo as a result of necessity, and not ascribe everything to the stars."
Plotinus, Enneads, Book III, Tractate I, Chapter 5, 15. [The controlling part is what directly moves the leg.]

Although stabbings may give meaning to Pod 153, 9S learns that twins have nothing left from administrator function.