NieR: Automata
Lucrezia 10 Absolved

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"Here's a man, a mortal, his fate long since determined—Do you mean to reverse that, release him from woeful death?"
Homer, Iliad, Book 22, lines 179-180 [Athena—Well, do it; but know this: we other gods don't all approve.]

Anemone to 9S: I'm so glad you made it back safely.

"Now if I take this choice, what will he offer King Harald Sigurdson for his work?"
"Seven feet of ground or as much more as he is taller than other men."
Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla, Book X, Chapter 91, King Harold's Promise.

"And he who here has sung this song And he who reads it, both are strong Of life and fair.
But once art thou and once am I Hid in the sand eternally, Who knows where!"
[Wer weiß woUnd der gesungen dieses Lied, und der es liest, im Leben zieht noch frisch und froh.
Doch einst bin ich und bist auch du verscharrt im Sand, zur ewigen Ruh, wer weiß wo.]
Detlev von Liliencron, Who Knows Where (Wer weiß wo), Gedichte: Adjudantenritte, 1883.

Steve Void, Koosen — Drunken Sailor

"In any case, what better gift can we hope for than to be insignificant? 
What greater glory for a God than to be absolved of the world?"
[En todo caso, ¿qué mejor don que ser insignificantes podemos esperar, 
qué mayor gloria para un Dios que la de ser absuelto del mundo?] 
Jorge Luis Borges, A Defense of Basilides the False (Una vindicación del falso Basílides), Discusión, 1932.

A2 swaps Pods & brings sap to Popola. Twins move A2's first Black Box from Pascal to storage man dreaming above city.
Aliens have set roots in the magical Forest. They should be silent once impaired Black Boxes of 2B & 9S trap Adam & Eve.