NieR: Automata
NieR 13 Fulfillment

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"For punishment is for the sake of [to correct fault of] the sufferer, revenge for the sake of the doer, that he may get a sense of fulfillment."
Aristotle, On Rhetoric: A theory of civil discourse, Book I, Chapter 10, #17, 1369b.

Twelve Titans Music — Coda

"Deceit goes generally farther in Love, than Distrust."
[« Dans l'amour, la tromperie va presque toujours plus loin que la méfiance. »]
La Rochefoucauld, Moral Reflections (Maximes morales), CCCXXXV.

9S was promised a surprise. Pods 042 & 153 access powerful hacking tools. Adam & Eve covet 2B & 9S bodies; sisters get to reunite in A2.