NieR: Automata
Viola 16 Hamburgers

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"It will utter, and rehearse same thing over and over, similar verses. The cabbage twice cooked kills the miserable masters."
"Atque eadem cantabit versibus isdem: occidit miseros crambe repetita magistros."
Juvenal, Satire VII, lines 153-154. [All should know & nobody pay reward. Chief question: if the youth has nothing that leaps.]

The FifthGuys x Thatsimo x RIELL — Odds Are

"Dare cautiously to be unchaste." [Caste (honest) nisi, saltem caute.]
Adalbert, 1049; Adam, Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum, #77, 1076. [Hiding vices only brands cynical hypocrisy.]

"No fine verses here, only a scourge of cocks, Aretino's madness."
[Né di panno fino addobbati versetti, ma sol cazzi, che torrebben la foia all'Aretino.]
Nicolò Franco, La Priapea. [Hanged for lurid defamations. Divine Pietro Aretino, Priapea — manual about a perfect prostitute.] 

Mia Vaile — American Dream

"I don't bile (boil) my cabbage twict."
Frederic G. Cassidy, Dictionary of American Regional English, Vol. I, 1985, p. 609. ["I don't chew my baccer (tobacco) twice!"]

"To particularize: the average American's simplest and commonest form of breakfast consists of coffee and beefsteak;
well, in Europe, coffee is an unknown beverage. You can get what the European hotel-keeper thinks is coffee, 
but it resembles the real thing as hypocrisy resembles holiness. It is a feeble, characterless, uninspiring sort of stuff."
Mark Twain, A Tramp Abroad, Chapter 49 Hanged with a Golden Rope, 1880.

In the end, it doesn't matter whether 2B's Squadron was composed of girls as long as 9S invites them to sample his pleasures.