NieR: Automata
Soki 05 Say no more

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"He is out of gunshot, that rings the bell to the battle." [A salvo está el que repica.] 
Fernando de Rojas, La Celestina, Or, The Tragicke-Comedy of Calisto and Melibea, Chapter XI, 1500 [Parmeno].

Cailin Russo and Chrissy Costanza — Phoenix

"Where there's plenty to put in the pot the dinner is soon enough got, and he who shuffles doesn't cut, and the man who rings the alarm 
has put himself furthest from harm, and it's a clever one who can have his cake and eat it."
[Mas yo tendré cuenta de aquí adelante de decir los que convengan a la gravedad de mi cargo, que en casa llena presto se guisa la cena, 
y quien destaja no baraja, y a buen salvo está el que repica, y el dar y el tener seso ha menester.]
Cervantes, Don Quixote, Part II, Chapter 43, 1615 [Sancho: Only God can do anything about that.]

Bunker server holds dummy data. 9S body in YoRHa storage holds no Black Box, unlike 2B & other bodies whose data got downloaded.

"That couldn't have been the reason," said Sancho, "but he must have been paying attention to the proverb that says: 
"For giving and keeping you need some brains."
[—No debió de ser eso —dijo Sancho—, sino que se debió de atener al refrán que dicen: que para dar y tener, seso es menester.]
Cervantes, Don Quixote, Part II, Chapter 58, 1615.

Fall Out Boy — The Phoenix

"Well, God's a good man, and two men ride of a horse, one must ride behind."
William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing, Act III, Scene 5, 1623 [Constable Dogberry].

Their cores buoy network survival of 9S & 2B to feed joy of living through Pods. Eve resets Adam to infiltrate the human lunar server.