NieR: Automata
Peggy 31 Stuff

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"Brought up, as they would be, always together like brothers and sisters? It is morally impossible. I never knew an instance of it."
Jane Austen, Mansfield Park, Chapter 1, 1814 [Mrs. Norris; suppose her even to have the beauty of an angel... no more than a sister.]

A2 to Pod 042: Tell me where to find the virus corrupting 9S.
Pod 042 to A2: YoRHa unit A2.

"May your god plant your feet on the straightest path!"
The Epic of Gilgamesh, Yale Tablet: Surpassing all other kings, line 213. 

Ke$ha — Die Young

"Set all at six and seven, to win some windfall."
"SIX, "a six and seven" (38d; 20c), in confusion, at loggergheads. "Alle in sundur hit [a tun] brast in six or in seuyn."
—Avowyne of King Arthur (c. 1340), 64 [Camden Soc., Eng. Meln. Rom. 89].
John Heywood, Proverbs, Part I, Chapter 11, 1546, p. 38 & 437 [Of good plasters, You shall have the best I have.]

Popola through magic prompted Rebellion to take hold of Pod 042 & Devola keeps throwing unanswered Doubt at core of Pod 153. 

Distwave — Antidote

"Stuff, s. [1. Pulse of any kind, provision for sustenance.] 2. This term is used in a singular mode of expression.
It is said of one, who will not yield in reasoning, or in fighting, "He is good stuff, or, a piece of good stuff," S.
This is undoubtebly a Fr. idiom. Chevaliers de bonne estoffe, Knights well-armed, and well managing their arms."
John Jamieson, An etymological dictionary of the Scottish language, Volume II, 1882. 

On their end, androids never give up & stand ready to invest a third orbital base. Machines have found one fatal hole in their defence.