NieR: Automata
Peggy 18 Dummy

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"I see a divine being coming up out of the earth." [Deos vidi ascendentes de terra.]
1 Samuel 28:13, Vulgate.

Igor Kornelyuk — Master and Margarita Waltz

"—and of course men easily believe what they want to believe." [—et quod fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.]
Julius Caesar, The War for Gaul (Commentariorum De Bello Gallico), Book III, Chapter 18.

9S: But I hope you're at rest, 2B. Sweet dreams. I'll be with you before long.

"Of ten things that annoy us, nine could not do so if we thoroughly understood them from their causes, and so knew their necessity and 
true nature; but we should do this much oftener if we made them the object of reflection before making them the object of indignation 
and annoyance. For what bridle and bit are to an unmanageable horse, the intellect is to the will in man; it must be led by this bridle by 
means of instruction, exhortation, training, and so on; for in itself the will is as wild and impetuous an impulse as is the force appearing 
in the plunging waterfall; in fact, it is, as we know, ultimately identical therewith. In the height of anger, in intoxication, in despair, the 
will has taken the bit between its teeth; it has bolted, and follows its original nature. In mania sine delirio, it has completely lost bridle 
and bit, and then shows most clearly its original and essential nature, and that the intellect is as different from it as the bridle is from 
the horse. In this state it can also be compared to a clock that runs down without a stop after a certain screw is removed." 
Arthur Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation, Vol. II, Chapter XIX On the Primacy of the Will in Self-Consciousness. 

9S tackles both Attack & Extermination functions from 2B in Moon Server. The other Healer & Scanner functions settle forcibly over A2.

"Playing double dummy whist with one of the local gentlemen. If he had fallen into the river, he would have kept right on playing!..."
[Joua au whist à deux morts (double dummy), avec un gentilhomme du pays. Il fût tombé dans la rivière qu’il eût joué encore !...]
Barbey d’Aurevilly, Beneath the Cards in a Game of Whist, III, Diaboliques [Crown that this king of whist imagined himself wearing.]

Whitfeld six: the defenders are presented with an insurmountable dilemma.