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ROOGNVSE plugin expands karma titles and adds a few functions for scripting.
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Allows you to holster up to 4 weapons on your body at once. Allows you to holster any weapon type in any of four locations on your body. No compatibility patches required. No biped slots used. Adds visible holsters to weapons.
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Allows you to holster up to 4 weapons on your body at once. Allows you to holster any weapon type in any of four locations on your body. No compatibility patches required. No biped slots used. Adds visible holsters to weapons.
Weightless Ammo In Hardcore Mode
Hate how ammo weighs so much in hardcore mode? Now you'll never have to worry about that again!!(PARTY TIME!!!)
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Weightless Ammo In Hardcore Mode
Hate how ammo weighs so much in hardcore mode? Now you'll never have to worry about that again!!(PARTY TIME!!!)
Adds DOF to exteriors and interiors simulating eyes focus on closer things.
Epic Skills - Effects over 100 - like Wasteland Mastery
Epic Skills adds effects for building your skills above 100 (and, of course, allows you to continue adding to them past 100). It includes new abilities and the ability to see skills' actual post-100 values.
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Epic Skills - Effects over 100 - like Wasteland Mastery
Epic Skills adds effects for building your skills above 100 (and, of course, allows you to continue adding to them past 100). It includes new abilities and the ability to see skills' actual post-100 values.
Updates zlib to the latest version for faster loading and less stutter.
A comprehensive overhaul of the 3rd Person Camera. Adds many modern camera features, including shoulder swapping, Scope toggling, smooth interactive camera movement, and a fully fleshed out customisable camera positioning menu!
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A comprehensive overhaul of the 3rd Person Camera. Adds many modern camera features, including shoulder swapping, Scope toggling, smooth interactive camera movement, and a fully fleshed out customisable camera positioning menu!
Fallout New Vegas Windows 7 and 10 Crash Fix
Tells how to stop the crashes at the beginning of the game for Fallout New Vegas.
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Fallout New Vegas Windows 7 and 10 Crash Fix
Tells how to stop the crashes at the beginning of the game for Fallout New Vegas.
Adds a map marker for the Lucky 38.
Adds a merchant named Mr. Moneybags to Goodsprings, outside the saloon with 30,000 caps to sell all your stuff to aswell as some supplies. As well as a terminal to refresh this amount as often as you wish back to 30,000.
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Adds a merchant named Mr. Moneybags to Goodsprings, outside the saloon with 30,000 caps to sell all your stuff to aswell as some supplies. As well as a terminal to refresh this amount as often as you wish back to 30,000.
Monocyte Breeder Implant Improved
Are you upset at the face that the 12000 cap implant is virtually unnoticible? Well not anymore!!!
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Monocyte Breeder Implant Improved
Are you upset at the face that the 12000 cap implant is virtually unnoticible? Well not anymore!!!
This adds lightsabers to Fallout New Vegas.
This mod is the complete overhaul of the Mobile Bus Mod, this version is stable and working very well hope you like it ! This mod allow you to fix an old bus and then make it a nice Driveable home. The bus have 14 fixed destinations and allow you to set your own! (you may set 5 personnal destination)
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This mod is the complete overhaul of the Mobile Bus Mod, this version is stable and working very well hope you like it ! This mod allow you to fix an old bus and then make it a nice Driveable home. The bus have 14 fixed destinations and allow you to set your own! (you may set 5 personnal destination)
Unlimited Companions 1dot4 Compatible
A functional mod for Patch 1.4+
Additional way to gain the power armor training.
Replacement model for the Flashlight NV mod. Makes the flashlight visible on your head.
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Replacement model for the Flashlight NV mod. Makes the flashlight visible on your head.
Gets rid of all the gates in New Vegas and Restores it from its \\\\\\\"Wasteland\\\\\\\" look.
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Gets rid of all the gates in New Vegas and Restores it from its \\\\\\\"Wasteland\\\\\\\" look.
Replaces the vanilla auto save and quick save features.
Vixen Veronica hmm sexay thang
A young and vibrant revamp of veronica\'s head