- Refine results Found 134 results. 36514 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Fallout New Vegas Texture pack by NeilMc_NMC: re-textures roads, trees, landscape, vehicles buildings and interiors with high-resolution photographic based equivalent textures. Global texture replacer. Does not retexture the DLC.
- 1.1GB
- 152.8k
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Fallout New Vegas Texture pack by NeilMc_NMC: re-textures roads, trees, landscape, vehicles buildings and interiors with high-resolution photographic based equivalent textures. Global texture replacer. Does not retexture the DLC.
EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements
New Crit Kill animation scenes, HD blood fx, HD fire fx, HD explosions, new bullet impacts, energy wep projectiles & impacts, unrivaled textures, and more
- 349.5MB
- 114.1k
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EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements
New Crit Kill animation scenes, HD blood fx, HD fire fx, HD explosions, new bullet impacts, energy wep projectiles & impacts, unrivaled textures, and more
Fallout: The Frontier is a gigantic DLC/New Game. As the “Courier” you start a new adventure centered around a conflict between the NCR and the Legion in the snow blasted remains of Portland Oregon. Featuring 3 major questlines, 60+ side quests, hundreds of new armours, weapons and items, and tens of thousands of lines of new voiced dialogue!
- 10.9GB
- 10.7k
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Fallout: The Frontier is a gigantic DLC/New Game. As the “Courier” you start a new adventure centered around a conflict between the NCR and the Legion in the snow blasted remains of Portland Oregon. Featuring 3 major questlines, 60+ side quests, hundreds of new armours, weapons and items, and tens of thousands of lines of new voiced dialogue!
Desert Natural Weathers - NV - TTW
An overhaul of the weathers in New Vegas with 360 panoramic cloud textures, improved lighting and DLC support. TTW version available.
- 397.4MB
- 8.4k
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Desert Natural Weathers - NV - TTW
An overhaul of the weathers in New Vegas with 360 panoramic cloud textures, improved lighting and DLC support. TTW version available.
Fixes moonlight, making the moon the light caster instead of the sun.Additionally fixes some other Sky related bugs.
- 204KB
- 7.8k
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Fixes moonlight, making the moon the light caster instead of the sun.Additionally fixes some other Sky related bugs.
Increases the render resolution of in-game screens (Pipboy, terminals, character creation menu) to match game's screen resolution.
- 38KB
- 7.4k
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Increases the render resolution of in-game screens (Pipboy, terminals, character creation menu) to match game's screen resolution.
Simple Interior Lighting Enhancement
Simple scripted interior lighting overhaul. Automatically works with any mod
- 1KB
- 5.9k
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Simple Interior Lighting Enhancement
Simple scripted interior lighting overhaul. Automatically works with any mod
Fix for depth of field bleeding over onto player's viewmodel. Additionally fixes washed out colors caused by low bit depth.
- 5KB
- 5.9k
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Fix for depth of field bleeding over onto player's viewmodel. Additionally fixes washed out colors caused by low bit depth.
Allows for customizable bloom resolution, making it possible to use resolutions other than vanilla's quarter one.Additionally allows to fully replace tone mapper and bloom with external ones like ReShade.
- 5KB
- 5.3k
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Allows for customizable bloom resolution, making it possible to use resolutions other than vanilla's quarter one.Additionally allows to fully replace tone mapper and bloom with external ones like ReShade.
Mod fixes incorrect external emittance handling which leads to particles being black.
Dynamically adjusts draw distance in accordance with the fog to improve performance with little to no visual difference.
- 39KB
- 5.1k
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Dynamically adjusts draw distance in accordance with the fog to improve performance with little to no visual difference.
Altitude - A Vanilla Plus Weather Mod
Vastly improves all the weathers in the game, without stepping on the toes of vanilla New Vegas's design too much.
- 24.0MB
- 4.4k
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Altitude - A Vanilla Plus Weather Mod
Vastly improves all the weathers in the game, without stepping on the toes of vanilla New Vegas's design too much.
Fixes muzzle flash lights not being culled after shot, leading to game still using them for illumination.
- 4KB
- 4.4k
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Fixes muzzle flash lights not being culled after shot, leading to game still using them for illumination.
Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks - NVSE
Mod aims to fix some alpha rendering issues like broken effects when using Transparency Multisampling.
- 169KB
- 4.4k
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Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks - NVSE
Mod aims to fix some alpha rendering issues like broken effects when using Transparency Multisampling.
High Resolution Water Fog - Water Aliasing Fix
Increases resolution of water depth render target, thus significantly reducing aliasing.
- 5KB
- 4.3k
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High Resolution Water Fog - Water Aliasing Fix
Increases resolution of water depth render target, thus significantly reducing aliasing.
Replace the ugly 2D rain found in Zion Canyon (as well as most weather mods) with a new 3D version. Rain no longer looks weird when you look up or down.
- 3KB
- 4.0k
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Replace the ugly 2D rain found in Zion Canyon (as well as most weather mods) with a new 3D version. Rain no longer looks weird when you look up or down.
Mod fixes totally wrong specular lighting, and lack of muzzle flash lights on viewmodel.
- 100KB
- 3.3k
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Mod fixes totally wrong specular lighting, and lack of muzzle flash lights on viewmodel.
Ever noticed how some buildings in the game have no windows even though on the outside they're covered in windows? Like what kind of presidential suite doesn't have windows? Well, this mod tries to fix that by adding windows into those interiors.
- 47KB
- 2.8k
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Ever noticed how some buildings in the game have no windows even though on the outside they're covered in windows? Like what kind of presidential suite doesn't have windows? Well, this mod tries to fix that by adding windows into those interiors.
Fire burns, electricity shocks, cacti poke, and more! A lightweight, compatibility-friendly, scripted implementation that doubles as a framework for modders wishing to add their own environmental hazards.
- 627KB
- 2.4k
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Fire burns, electricity shocks, cacti poke, and more! A lightweight, compatibility-friendly, scripted implementation that doubles as a framework for modders wishing to add their own environmental hazards.
Overhauls the visuals for main bodies of water in New Vegas. TTW compatible.